Sunday, August 2, 2015

Bear Lake fun

Casey had a tech conference Tuesday and Wednesday this week. He also had football coaches meetings both nights. The kids and I did our usual (played). Wednesday night we headed to Logan to start our weekend trip.
Thursday morning my parents and Katherine joined us to go over to Bear lake. We searched for our campsite, set up, and then ate lunch. After lunch we headed up to Minnatonka cave. We were apart of an over sized group with some slow movers so the normally hour and a half tour took two hours. Luckily the kids enjoyed themselves (despite it being 40 degrees the whole time) and we had a good time. Anytime the guide said are there any questions Kendal shot her hand up to ask a question.
 After our cave adventure we headed back to our campsite. Casey went fly fishing for a bit while we relaxed and hung out. We had a hot dog roast and said goodnight to my parents a bit later (they went back to Logan to their comfy bed). We made up fairy tales and sang songs till it was time to go to bed. It was a very cold night, but we managed.
Kendal commandeered my camera and took a plethora of pictures. Here is a few she captured!

The next morning we cleaned up camp and meet up with my parents. They had brought up the four wheelers so we headed to the sinks for a ride with the kids. Kendal LOVED the four wheeler ride. She took turns riding with Casey and my Dad; they let her take control of the throttle at times and she was loving it. Peter enjoyed himself and was happy to look all around as we rode along. He even feel asleep in my dad's arms as we made our way back to the cars. At the end we made our way up a hill to see a great view of the lake.

After our ride we went up to a lookout at the peak and ate lunch. We left the four wheelers there and headed down to enjoy Bear lake for the afternoon. The kids loved playing in the sand and water. We even got my parents to dig their heels into the sand and enjoy themselves. On our way out we stopped and got milkshakes and fries.

After shakes we went home and cleaned up. After dinner Katherine and my mom took the kids down the street to see a little play their neighborhood kids put on.
Saturday morning we meet up with David, Anica, and Elliot for breakfast at Golden Corral. We are our full and spent time back at my parents. A bit before lunch we headed out to the pool that is at David and Anica's condo complex. We played around, and had a pizza lunch. David and Casey for in a water war. The kids helped them trying to apart each other across the pool and hot tub. (Sorry forgot pics at the pool.)

 (Loved seeing this little guy!)
Kendal wanted more water time back at my parents house so that turned on the sprinklers and she enjoyed them for a bit. The kids played the afternoon away at my parents house. Casey went to see the Avengers movie. We had dinner and headed home shortly after.
It was a great weekend, and a wonderful mini vacation. Thank you, THANK YOU mom, Dad, and Katherine. We're so happy you joined us for the fun!!

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