Saturday, November 15, 2014

Kendal is 5!

 Well Kendal wanted a "Frozen" birthday party and mother nature sure delivered with a week of temperatures that surely kept us frozen.
 Kendal has been so excited to turn five; for weeks now she's asked us when her birthday was, and loves to tell everyone around us her birthday is coming. Kendal is enjoying preschool and learning with Mom. She enjoys experiments and art activities best. Kendal is steadily growing her reading skills and is doing well with pre-reader / beginner books. Kendal is always full of questions. Kendal gets compliments from her primary and preschool teachers about how much she knows and her willingness to participate. Kendal still enjoys being read to and likes it when I'm reading a book  that she's memorized so she can chime in and finish the sentences. Kendal loves to sing. She did so well with all of the songs for the primary program, and likes to belt out different songs all of the time. She especially loves Frozen songs and likes to have me play music on Pandora so she can get dressed up and dance and sing to music. Kendal's favorite pretend play lately is princesses (Elsa), she also enjoys playing house, and super heroes. Kendal loves to play with characters (Barbie, Polly Pockets, Ponies, Minnie, Lego men, etc.). She goes off on stories with them and it's funny / sweet to hear her. Kendal plays very well with other kids, however she can get a commanding / older sister vibe going. (Showing leadership skills I guess.) Because Kendal likes to take charge she frequently buts heads (figuratively and literally) with her little brother when they play. Peter plays best left to his own devices and playing next to someone. He will play with Kendal (especially cars and Lego's), but when she takes over and toys are taken / not shared things get rough with them. Kendal has loved riding her bike and scooter around this summer / fall. Both she and Peter were mad that this weeks temperatures and snow has made their outdoor time less. Kendal is our slow eater. She likes a good range of foods, however when she's talkative or not loving her meal it can take a long time for her to finish. Kendal loves it when Peter goes down for a nap and she and I get one on one time. We do learning activities, games, and quite play. I'm still lucky that Kendal will go down for a nap one two days a week. I generally force a nap when Kendal is extra whinny / dramatic, or if she's been super active and I know she could use a rest. Kendal still likes to be helpful around the house and generally does what's asked of her. She has such a wonderful and loving personality. We are so grateful for our sweet and happy little lady Kendal Ann!

Above pictures: Dressed up like a Native American at Preschool, and playing dress up from mommies collection from when I grew up.

Kendal's 5 year old interview:

Favorite color, Pink
Favorite toy, Barbie & Poly pockets
Favorite food, macaroni (She also loves spaghetti, tacos, pizza, pancakes, and sandwiches.)
Favorite animal, Dolphin
Favorite song, Gethsemane
Favorite holiday, Easter and 4th of July
Favorite snack, Fruit snacks
Favorite movie, Frozen
Favorite show, Peg and Cat
Favorite book, Her Tinkerbell story collection
When she grows up? Kendal wants to be a Mom (She usually adds in a basketball player, student, and teacher.)
Nicknames, Sweets (stems from Sweet Pea which I still occasionally call her), and Little lady

At age 5 Kendal is 43 in. tall (60%) and 37 pounds (30%)

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