Sunday, January 5, 2014


A few years ago we had to say goodbye to our dear friends the Spear's as they left for grad school  in Washington. When they come down to visit family twice a year we try to sneak in some time to get together. Casey grew up with Rhett and we spent the early years of our marriage living near each other. They are true and wonderful friends; I'm glad we know them.
We got together over Christmas break to visit with them. Rhett and Aria now have three little ladies. Jenae, Brooke, and Kylie; all cute and sweet (even if Brooke won't smile for me ; ). We played around Aria's parents home and got to catch up with each other. We went out and skated / walked on the ice pond that was outside the house. This is probably the second time Casey has put skates on; he did well but didn't love trying to keep his balance. Kendal kept falling on the ice, but had Jenae to help and give smiles so she was good. We pulled out lawn chairs and pushed the kids around. Peter liked going around in the chair until he tried walking and fell.
It's always good to see the Spears' and we hope this next year brings them closer to us again so we can have more fun times together!

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