Sunday, December 4, 2022

Thanksgiving week into December

David came up Monday of Thanksgiving week to help us on the house. Thankfully we had the whole week off of school and we decided to move the Loosle Thanksgiving dinner to Saturday. We had a full week of work, and work we did! Brett Welch came for a few days to help us out as well. Monday we laid out a few of the walls. Tuesday we put up the front walls and back walls and got the dirt back filled (I enjoy being able to just hop out of the house now instead of going across a board, jumping, or side stepping my way around things. Wednesday brought my Dad, Andy, and Campbell and we continued to bust out the walls for the main floor and garage. Thursday we put up trusses. Casey's family was all getting together for dinner and we knew the kids haven't seen their cousins for a while so I pushed Casey to take the kids and spend dinner there for a bit, and I stayed back to help the boys at the house. In retrospect Casey shouldn't have gone, but we've felt so much guilt with our kids lately that we wanted them to have a bit of joy that day. Trusses were a beast and a half to put it mildly. Tempers, and emotions were high, but we made it through. I did end up under a few trusses at one point, I just couldn't hold the load as one truss was being adjusted and I went right down. I'm very grateful that I wasn't seriously hurt, (just a ton of bruising, whiplash effects, and my shoulder, leg, hand, and foot were banged up.) I said a stream of curses and refused to leave because things still needed to be done. (I did leave a while later to get dinner finished and have a good sob fest for a minute.) Friday we worked more on sheeting the garage and around the house. I worked at a snail pace, but tried my best to help.  I left that evening with the girls, my Dad, and David so we could be in Logan to help with Thanksgiving dinner. Casey and Peter went out to eat with Andy and Campbell. Afterwards they went to throw axes and have a bit of fun to end their work week. 


We had a nice Saturday at my parents. Casey and Pete came around noon and we had our big meal at 2. Nana joined us for a while and we got to spend a nice day together. Sunday we all went to Sacrament meeting with my parents and spent the afternoon hanging out. We drove home after dinner. 

Dad and David came back early Monday to work all week on the house. Unfortunately they came up to snow and a house full of snow. I helped in the afternoons each day. I spent a couple of days getting out snow and ice from the house. The boys finished sheeting the roof and we got most of the patio trusses on on Wednesday. Alice was a tag a long for a couple of days, then I had her go to Sadie's on Wednesday and Thursday. It was a long week of work by my Dad and David. The sacrifices they're making (as well as Anica, my Mom, and the boys) is so much and we are so very grateful for all that they are doing. Casey and I were able to do some work Friday evening and Saturday morning so the plumber can come this next week. 

We had the kids open their Christmas Jammies on Dec. 1st! It was a simpler tradition this year without a show or reading books, but we still had a bit of our tradition. Really the kids have been such troopers with this house build. I'm gone every afternoon and they're left to fend and deal with life. They have a lot of responsibilities and I'm grateful they are managing without us.

Kendal had two basketball games this past week. On Tuesday her team played Buhl. My Dad got to come and watch the game and cheer on Kendal! It was a battle in the beginning, but the girls played hard and came out with a win 32 to 10. Casey even got to watch the game and helped take stats for the team. Wednesday Kendal's team played Wendell. Her team did great and won 28 to 8. Kenny and Cheryl were able to come to Wednesday's game to see Kendal play. Kendal is doing well in her games and makes some points for her team each game. She has two maybe three games left this coming week and then her season ends. 

Casey had three games this past week. His team won 2 games (their first wins of the season!) He has three games this week and three next week. Making for a very full month of basketball. It's been hard since he knows he's missing work on the house, but his days are so full. Even on practice days he's out the door at 5:20 to practice, work, then comes home to work on the house. 

Friday between work and house work and yesterday afternoon I tried to play catch up on house stuff, laundry, and errands. I'm falling short in many ways, but i'm trying and at least my family is giving me a lot of grace right now. Kendal did some service at the community Christmas event last night for Sources of Strength, and then played the piano in the nativity area for a bit before we headed over to the church for our ward party. The theme was "Back to Bethlehem" and the ward put on such a wonderful display, program, and decor. The kids got to dress up and we ate on a blanket on the floor. Casey came at the end when he got home from his basketball games.

Today we are recharging, spiritually and physically, going to church, and playing games together this afternoon!

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