Sunday, November 20, 2022

More of our November

Kendal had a basketball game on the 7th in Buhl. Her team had to fight hard against some fairly fierce Buhl players, but they ended up with a win! Kendal started her game and got a couple of baskets during the game! 

We got a bit of snow that week and Alice was eager to play in it. It melted within a couple of days, but she took advantage of half day kindergarten and played when we got home from school. 

Peter had an activity day activity on the 10th. The boys made cards and delivered them to veterans in our ward. 

We took the kids out last Saturday for Kendal's pre birthday celebration. Kendal chose to eat at Cafe Rio and then we went to hands on to paint some ceramics. Kendal chose a dolphin, Peter chose a gnome, Alice chose a mermaid, and I chose  little Idaho ornament to paint. Casey opted to keep an eye on everyone and help Alice paint since being in a place full of breakable things with kids is not his idea of fun. When we finished up our painting we went shopping for some birthday clothes for Kendal and some work pants for Casey. 


Casey's had a handful of games with his team so far. They haven't yet won a game, but they've fought hard and I know they'll get there soon. He's done a lot of early morning practices this month so he can work and do house stuff as much as possible afterwards. The girls and I went to his game last Wednesday. Kendal enjoyed it more, because she's got some more basketball know how in her. She also couldn't believe how into the game Casey was as he coached. (Obviously she's never watched him much, because it's one of my favorite parts - watching Casey get so into the game and coach his heart out for his team!)

Kendal had this last week off of basketball games. (One team wouldn't play them because they're to good, and the other team has to be shared with our 8th grade team). So she had some late night practices. Which she likes slightly better than early morning practices. (She's been a trooper to get up so early, and when her early practices coincide with Casey's she has to get up even earlier because Casey has to be early to open everything up.)

Kendal's birthday! Kendal had a simple birthday. She got to have breakfast and open presents before school. She got a bag / purse, a robe, books, a new charm for her necklace, and butterfly earrings. We also got some clothes shopping over the weekend for her birthday. I had Kendal take cupcakes to school to share with her friends. Her good friend Netta spoiled her by decorating her locker, having people sing to her, and giving her birthday smiles all day long! Kendal had piano lessons, and basketball practice that evening, but we were able to squeeze in her birthday dinner before her busy night. 

House progress: Last week 10th - 12th we got the foundation floor poured and the boards up all around the foundation walls. It was a windy day the day we poured the floor and the boys had to work hard and fast to get it done before it started setting. Andy and I battled the wind to keep the tarps from flying away while we tried to spread them out to dry. (David climbed all along there putting boards on and I scooted along after him tightening the bolts.) That Saturday Casey, Peter, and I finished the garage area of boards. 

This week Andy, David, and Dad came back up on Thursday to start the support walls and main floor. I helped after school on Thursday and Friday, then we worked a good part of Saturday as well. The boys had so many issues with generators and the compressor that held some things up and set us back each day on our timeline. (Can't be easy when it comes to our house. : ( The temperatures and wind have been against us for the most part, but we knew it wouldn't be a picnic starting this in October. We are so very grateful for the sacrifices and blessing of having my Dad and brothers' help with our house. While I'll never keep up with these awesome boys i'm trying my best, learning skills I never thought of let alone thought I'd do! I'm also grateful for kids who are dealing with me less at home and taking on more responsibilities. They're being troopers for sure!

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