Sunday, December 18, 2022

Holiday Happenings, etc.

Kendal had her last two basketball games for her season on the 6th and 7th. Her team had a game added on the 6th in Burley. They won their game 35 to 6. Kendal got a few baskets in and played well. Kendal's last game of the season was at the Twin Falls Christian Academy. I had the start time wrong, so I arrived late and missed out on Kendal making a 3 pointer! She was very proud of her shot as am I and had a good game with her team wining 38 to 16! Kendal's team was undefeated their whole season! She grew a lot in confidence and skills and enjoyed her season this year! She's already looking forward to track this spring. Now we get a small break before peter starts his season in January.  

Peter had an activity days on the 7th. He got to go and cut up a tree and make an ornament!

Cody and Mia came into town on the 9th to check out our house progress and visit. The kids loved seeing the house and giving a tour to their cousins. Cody and Mia stayed and had dinner and watched a show with us. Casey was stuck at basketball games, but we had a good night visiting. Saturday Morning we went out to Raft River for family fun. We went to the church in Raft River first for the Webb party / lunch. We had a nice meal and enjoyed seeing extended family. We played some games, sang songs, and did the traditional cereal story / pass along. Casey's cousin was sweet and made each cousin an ornament that said five golden rings as a reminder of the holiday fun we have every year. 

Saturday night we had our Darrington family party. It started late because we waited for others to come after basketball games. The kids got to give and receive their cousin gifts. Kenny and Cheryl gave all of the kids pillows and personalized pillowcases which was fun (but also kept turning into pillow fights. Cheryl never assumed 19 kids with pillows would end up in pillow fights ; ). We had a late night and sent everyone to bed around 11:00. We went to church together on Sunday and got to spend the afternoon together as a family! Cody and Mia finish residency this coming spring and will be moving to ?? so we're happy to get in the family time with them when we can.

This past week was interesting with school. There's been a lot of sickness going around this month for sure. On Monday the Middle school had over 180 kids absent and 9 teachers gone sick with only three subs to fill in (most of the absences were due to illness). Casey had to fill in for three different classes and there were so many kids gone, on of Kendal's classes only had 6 kids in it. I had a cold over the weekend and still wasn't feeling great, and Casey spent the week with a sore throat and slight cough, but work we did. The school board decided to close the Middle School for two days. We initially thought we could get in more work on the house, but the teachers they had to work or take a sick day away from their sick bank (which isn't fair). Casey ended up observing the teacher he's mentoring on Tuesday and filling in at the Elementary school as a para on Wednesday. It was fun seeing him at the school! Kendal was beside herself and mad about missing school. She was so anxious about the closure and missing things. Peter on the other hand was upset Kendal got out of school while he had to go to school. Kendal got to spend time with the Welch girls on Tuesday and she just hung out at home on Wednesday. 

It was dress up week at school. I wasn't on my A game as a mom this year, but the kids did dress up in green for grinch day and they dressed up for pajama day Friday. Alice and Peter had their class parties on Thursday. My friend sent me a picture of Alice as a tree from her party.

Kendal had her Christmas piano recital on Friday. She's been working so hard memorizing her pieces. She did a duet with Emma Germone and they played the dance of the reed flutes from the nutcracker, then she played a beautiful compilation of Heark the Herold Angel sing. Kendal blows us away with her musical talent and she's becoming very accomplished! 

House progress! 

Dad and David came up on the 5th with windows and doors that we were able to get in that week! I love having them in and no wind whipping all around me as I work inside. We got some more done inside as David continued on the roof that week. The plumbers came on the 7th and we got all of their work done that day! This week David stayed home sick with his family. We had HVAC come in on Tuesday and do the whole house in one day! They were there about 12 hours working so hard to get things done for us! Alice is my buddy at work, I just bundle her up and she tags along, playing for a bit, then being on my phone (which sucks, but it is what it is and I'm grateful its been fine so far.) My Dad came up Wednesday so we could put in the gas line. It ended up being quite the battle to get those blasted pipes in, but my Dad worked it out and we conquered in the end! My Dad was a champ and stayed longer to help us work Friday and Saturday framing the downstairs. I'm amazed at all that we've done in two short months, we have accomplished so much and It's because of my Dad and David (Andy too) sacrificing their time and selves to come up and help us. I've felt so much guilt for stealing them away from Mom and Anica / boys. They are champs for handling life without their main guys. I am humbled and eternally grateful for their sacrifices. 

Last night I took the kids to the live nativity in Twin. It was only 15 degree's outside so I bundled up the kids well and we ventured out. The nativity experience was neat. They make a little village with shops and vendors all around and roman soldiers walking around. The kids were given a special coin at the begining and had to "pay their taxes" along the way. A ways into the property you take a turn and we passed animals, "shepherds" with sheep, and the three wise men. (all of these people have a part and stories to share as part of the experience.) After the wise men we got to walk over to the nativity and see a couple and their tiny baby representing Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. Alice was a bit nervous because there was a lama loose, but she was in awe the whole time and I loved watching her reaction to everything there. It was such a special event to go to and I'm glad we squeezed in the time. 

I gave a talk in church today. I was asked to talk about Mary the Mother of Christ. I've spent the last couple of weeks reading about Mary and taking notes / highlighting things I wanted to touch on. I wrote my talk last week and fine tuned it last night after we got back from the Nativity experience. I talked about three attributes of Mary that we have as well. A very simplified version of my talk - Mary was an elect and specially chosen daughter in the preexistence for her role here on earth. Early on she would have had to have held an eternal perspective about her son's life and even her own in all that she saw and went through. She was Christ's first disciple on this earth. From the beginning to the end and I'm sure beyond Mary was Christ's biggest supporter. She raised him, taught him, and supported him. Mary was faithful. Mary had a huge load to bear as Christ's mother, and even as she humbly accepted the calling to be Jesus' mother she had to face the possible consequences of being pregnant out of wedlock as well as being judged while raising the son of God. Mary was tried like no woman every has been in mortality, but her faith in God was never shaken, her faith in her son Jesus was constant and strong. We, like Mary can hold an eternal perspective in life. We are beloved and favored children of God. He loves us and I hope we can find moments to see the eternal perspective in things, to know we are beloved and our earthly journey was foreordained and we are all in God's hands. We can be disciples of Christ. We have the privilege and opportunity to share his love, light, and teachings to others. We can be faithful like Mary. Her trials, and circumstances were many and uniquely hers, but throughout all she held constant to her faith in our Heavenly Father, and their son Jesus. Throughout our own life's challenges we can hold onto faith. Faith in a Heavenly Father who pours down his blessings in seen and even more unseen ways. Faith in our Savior, who guides, lifts, loves, blesses, and gives so much more to us always. 

Love these three!

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