Monday, September 9, 2019

Back to school, back to busy

The kids finished their summer reading charts! They earned Lego mini figures and hatchimals along the way. Kendal crushed reading this summer and went above and beyond. Peter may not love reading but he stuck with it and did a good job reading this summer! Instead of workbooks and extra to do's I had the kids make goals they wanted to accomplish this summer and we made an "I did it!" paper for the wall each time they made their goals.
Goals accomplished:
Kendal - Drove a 4 - wheeler by herself, Made pancakes, sewed her own apron, made brownies, learned to skip a rock, made fried chicken, can make a perfect ponytail,
Peter - learned to skip a rock, can drive a 4 - wheeler by himself, made pizza, made macaroni and cheese, made muffins, helped Dad build and paint a shelf, built a garage organization system with Dad, learned Dad's phone number, learned to tie his own tie, got a strike in bowling
Alice - learned to peddle a tricycle, learned to do a somersault,
All of the kids, crushed each summer reading chart (Twin library, Kimberly library, and home), helped with peaches (even if Alice's was just to eat them ; ), and hiked box canyon and the canyon rim as a family!

Kendal went in and got her teeth pulled on the 23rd. Her canine teeth were pushing some of her permanent teeth out of place and there was worry for root damage so 3 teeth pulled was her fate. Casey gave her a blessing that morning and even though she was supper chatty with the laughing gas she did great!

My parents and Katherine came that evening to spend the weekend with us. We had an easy going time together. Kendal had a Achievement Girls Stake activity Saturday morning. They got to do a bunch of activities and different work shops that revolved around Christ and learning. We went to the park for lunch. That evening we went out for dinner and hit up the book store together.
Casey and I both taught on Sunday. Casey has an extra calling teaching in Elders quorum every other month, and I offered to teach my beehives for Kristen's birthday. We had a nice family dinner before my family left for home. Late that afternoon we got pulled out to Raft River to spend time with Casey's family. Nicole came with her kids, and Brett and Vanessa came with dinner. Casey and I hiked up the hill behind the house to get some pictures of the valley. (We're lacking in Idaho pics in our house.)

Monday was the first day of school. Casey gave each of the kids wonderful blessings Sunday night and they were excited for their new school year! Kendal was so excited she was up at 5 in the morning and didn't go back to sleep! : / Oy! Both Kendal and Peter reported back with good first days at school and had a good first week with their new classes and teachers. Peter's making new friends and Kendal is making the rounds with the many kids she gets along with. Casey's schedule changed from 7 classes a day to 4 and an A / B schedule. He's adjusting to the change, I know he'll do great this year!

Alice wasn't lonely long. We had James and Thomas over Monday morning so Vanessa could go to the Dr's. (Baby girl due very soon!) Thomas didn't want his mom to leave and had an epic tantrum that rocked my morning. Tuesday we had Jemma for most of the day. Both still want my attention at all times, but it's fun when they are more relaxed and just play around. Wednesday I had a presidency meeting so Alice played with Whitney's daughter (Summery - week one Alice wasn't lonley ; ) We spent that day and a bit of Thursday running errands. I don't love doing errands with a potty training two year old, but it beats all three kids any day.

Friday was off of school. The kids were on one pretty early so I decided to shove us out of the house to change attitudes. While I don't think any attitudes were really changed we did go on a good walk to the Evil Kinevil jump site and path along the canyon rim. We ended up going over 3 miles that morning! That afternoon we decided to finally rearrange the kids' and their rooms. Alice is now roommates with Kendal and Peter is in the other room. We're hoping for less late nights and arguments, and more sleep. However, Alice is now in a toddler bed so her nights / mornings / (middle of the nights : / are in flux right now. Hopefully we'll get back to regular sometime.

Saturday Casey made book shelves for our bedroom. He's been wanting to for quite a while and I finally agreed to ones that were up on the wall out of the way. Saturday evening and into Sunday I had some nasty virus that made life miserable. I ended up making Casey take the kids to church by himself on Sunday. Thankfully it went away in a couple of days.
We had a lazy labor day. Just let the kids play and do what they wanted. We had a picnic dinner in the park to end our holiday.

I watched James and Thomas that Tuesday. Thomas had a Nintendo game that he happily played the whole, so no fits this time.
Casey is coaching Peter's soccer team and had practice that evening and Thursday. He understands their young and not much on skill or order, but he still wishes they would be. Kendal has had a couple of volleyball practices. Wednesday evening and tonight. She's enjoying herself and is learning lots!
Last Wednesday I took Alice to the library for story time. Before it even started she tripped and fell hard into a desk. She bit her tongue, got a nice bruise on her jaw, and split her head open. I wiped her up and calmed her down while Vanessa phoned the Dr to fit us in. Luckily the clinic was half a block away so I rushed her over. She was pretty good (her mouth had stopped bleeding and she had no idea how bad her head was - I think she has the highest pain tolerance of our kids). I talked the pa out of Staples and we just shaved the area and glued her back together. She was a trooper through it all and I know I was more nervous and scared than her. Besides a nice bump and keeping an eye on the area she's healing well. She was only grumpy about us going near it for a few days, and wanted a band aid on it.

Friday I had Jemma for most of the day. Alice is over the cute baby visitor and onto a battle of my lap and attention with Jemma most of the time.
Saturday the kids had a primary party at the park. They had endless popsicles, had a bounce house / water slide, and got face paints all up and down their arms and faces.

Today I had Thomas and James again. More bribes to make a better time here. (And cousins who will dress up with you.)
Kendal had her first piano lesson of the school year. She's very happy with Sister Hyde (she gives stickers and prizes) so I know it'll be a fun year learning!
Peter has had his permanent top from teeth pop in without fully losing his baby teeth. They've just turned into wonky, wiggly, issues. He finally lost one today eating his oatmeal (that's how much it too to get the tooth out). Now if only the other would follow suit.

We've got a busy month with the kids. Sports on five of the seven days of the week. I watch kids a couple days of the week and am volunteering time at the kids school. I'll be in a daze this next while, but it is what it is.

My life for the last month + well get there eventually. : /

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