Thursday, August 22, 2019

Bottoms up - end of Summer

The first Monday in August was school registration. I helped with the ptso booth for a couple of hours then signed the kids up for school. Kendal will have Mr. Zunino in fourth grade. She's excited to have a few ward buddies in her class, and is ready for school to start! Peter will have Mrs. Williams in second grade. We've heard great things about her and we know he'll have a great year.
We also watched Jemma that day. She wasn't thrilled when I left for the school and Casey tried his best, (she just likes Auntie M more ; ). We've watched her once a week this month. She's a sweetheart, but I'm the only one she'll deal with. Sometimes there's a lap battle between her and Alice, and Alice sometimes treats her like a doll. Other than that it's been good.

I decided to dive into potty training with Alice that first full week in August. She's had enough signs that I decided the time was right. Well we went full force with her and had a lot of hard days in the beginning. She's a strong willed girl! I was back and forth between calling it off a few days in. (She's by far been our hardest to potty train) I'm pretty stubborn myself and I wasn't willing to loose all the progress Alice has made so we've pushed through the rough days. Alice has grown leaps and bounds from her first week, and we mostly have good days. Her accidents are scattered and mostly happen when we are distracted. She's done amazingly well on all our outings the past couple of weeks! We'll get all the way there in time. (I think I feel like an Olympians Mom. So much work behind the scenes for your child's success.)

My friend Carrie was getting rid of things and offered her son's old bike to peter. He's thrilled to have a bigger bike with brakes. Casey has taken him on some rides the past couple of weeks.

I went and did baptisms with the youth the first Wednesday of the month. Casey took the kids to the dollar show at the movies. They saw wonderpark. (No accidents from Alice!). We were homebodies that week. Kendal and Peter even came up with stuffed Animal plays to pass the time Friday. Saturday Casey took the older two peach picking at Northview. He also took them to get books from some money Aunt Peggy gifted them. Funny enough they got books about Dragons the same week uncle Nathan's dragon book came out!

I wanted to end Casey's last week of summer on a good note and after a week of being a homebody we filled this past week with lots of fun.
Tuesday I took Kendal to get a hair cut. She got around six inches taken off. She loves it and it's nice to have less tangles to mess with. That afternoon we took the kids to see the Lion King. Casey bought a bunch of 99c cereal and we got free movie passes with them. It was a good movie (can't compare to the original, but we liked it). Alice decided to spend the second half of the movie taking potty breaks. I think we hit up the bathroom near ten times (she went three!) but the rest were for toots / fun. : / We were a bit DONE with her when we got out. Since the peaches were nice and squishy I decided to be nuts and can the peaches late into that night.

I finnished the last of my peaches on Wednesday morning then we took the kids to the splash pad. Kendal was invited to a ward buddies birthday party and we tagged along for fun. The kids played more at the playground than in the water. Kendal got to pal around with some school mates. Peter got to spend time with Holland. Alice discovered the rope swing and was on that for quite a while.
Wednesday night I took Alice to my beehive activity and Casey took Kendal and Peter to the Cassia County Fair. They ran into Rhett, Aria, and their family. They ate some burgers and went around the 4H and animal barns. Afterwards they grabbed some maple bars and went and watched cow cutting. They had a fun evening together!

Thursday I did an overhaul on the kids closets and clothes and took Kendal and Peter shopping for pants. They're both in between the typical store sizes so we had to go to quite a few places to find things that fit.

Friday we took the kids swimming at the city pool. It was nice and not to crowded. Alice braved the slides this time! Kendal passed the swim test so she could go in the deep end and off the diving board. Peter was into diving for toys and going all around. That afternoon Casey made some homemade ice cream with some of the peaches. The kids devoured it and were very happy with the result!

I wanted to squeeze in one last adventure in last week so we ventured out to Box canyon Saturday. It was more of a hike than I thought and the path was surrounded by poison ivy. Luckily we escaped with only a few scratches. It was a beautiful area and a nice time together enjoying God's lovely earth. After our hike we stopped in Buhl at their creamery for some ice cream.

Sunday the kids wanted to experiment and make slime. So much mess, but they love it a lot.

Kendal has had a goal of sewing something this whole summer. She's played so hard and we've had so many fun other things to distract our time that we put it off. Kendal has outgrown her apron and wanted to make another matching apron set so we finally took the time this week to make them. Monday night I took Kendal and Peter to a friends house. They threw and end of summer movie night in their back yard. It was a very late night (got home at 11:30), however the kids were in heaven paling around with their friends, and enjoying treats.

I got to go to a Bunco night with some ward friends on Tuesday night. It was nice to get a girls night out after so much potty training lately. I took the kids to the splash yesterday with a large group from our ward. The kids had lots of fun with their buddies. Alice even got brave and went into the water at the splash pad!
Last night I was over mutual. I made a tree of life with a "rod" of lights leading to it. We did the activity with just the Christmas lights on. It was a series of questions that if answered yes they progressed towards the tree, if no they didn't. I talked about the tree and what it all means along with how their choices big or small affect where they'll end up. After that we played human battleship that Kristen put together. It was a good mix of spiritual and fun.

Today Kendal's at a play date with her school friend Hannah and we'll have back to school night later. Only a few more days and were back to routine and school life!

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