Sunday, September 29, 2019

Soccer, Volleyball, repeat

The day after my last post (10th) Peter lost his second front tooth. His tooth was danging and driving us nuts. Casey had Peter put his hand in front of his face then he "pushed" peter's arm towards his mouth. One second later the tooth was out! (Cue the angels singing!) His permanent teeth had already come down behind the baby teeth, and he barley had a "toothless" grin before his front teeth were very visible.

Kendal also lost her last canine tooth at school that week. She said it came out at recess and she couldn't find it. Sorry kiddo.

That Wednesday (11th) was an early release day for the kids. I had Jemma that day so Kendal had to stay put with two napping little ones so I could run Peter to Holland's birthday party at the park.

Because Tuesday was a very wet day Peter's first soccer game was cancelled. So his first game became Thursday. He played Becca's team. He scored a goal and assisted in another goal that night for a win!

I volunteered to help at the Library at the kids' school this year. Friday the 13th was my first day and I (and a active Alice) went and helped with a couple of classes (including Peter's). I helped check in books, and listened to kids read. I'll be doing that every other week, and going in to help process new books in the next couple of months.
Saturday the 14th was Kendal's first round of volleyball games. They play two teams per day, and are able to get in two + games per team. Her team won three out of four of their games that first day. Kendal is picking up skills well and enjoying her experience so far!
That afternoon we went and picked apples for apple sauce. I was hoping for more varieties, but pickers can't be choosers sometimes. I spent the afternoon processing the apples. We ended up with a lot of pink applesauce and I started taking peels out towards the end so my last two batches were a bit less pink.

I've been watching Jemma one to two times a week since the beginning of August. Alice goes through phases having Jemma here; she's often a mix of helpful, kind, and an occasional side of possessive of toys / and mommy. It's been interesting to have two little ones so close in age, yet not quite play buddies yet. Heaven help those who have kids so close in age.

I've been anticipating Vanessa going into labor for weeks now. She was "ready" and contracting daily so we figured it would be any day. I was put on hospital duty if Brett happened to be gone for cross country. Thankfully Vanessa's Mom came Monday night, and true Vanessa fashion her water broke in the middle of the night and baby girl was born at 2 in the morning. She was born on the 17th (the only day this month that Brett didn't want the baby born, because he (as head coach) had a home meet he was over. (But God and babies do what they want ; ) I made a quick visit later in the morning with Alice to meet the little lady. Her name is Naomi Carol. She's pretty much perfect and so fresh from heaven! Naomi makes 17 grandkids on our Darrington side of the family (10 busy boys, 7 gabby girlies ; )

Peter had two games last week. His team tied their game on the 17th. Because it was rainy / muddy on Thursday I kept the girls home. Their team won their game and Peter scored a goal that evening!

After Peter's game Thursday I got to go have a girls night and play Bunco with some chica's in my ward! The next night Casey got his night out going to the Football game.

Kendal played a couple of hard teams last Saturday (21st) I don't think her team won a game, however (when she was focused ; ) Kendal did well, got some great serves over and got some good hits in. Cheryl came and watched with us!
That afternoon Peter got to go to Sam's Harry Potter party. He was thrilled to do spells, play quiditch, and make a golden wand! It was such a nice day we picnicked outside for dinner. We attempted to play washers but our helpful toddler took over and made it impossible. So we threw the volleyball around a bit and gave in.

This past week Peter had two more soccer games. He won his game on Tuesday evening and Tied his Thursday game. Grandma D came and watched part of his Thursday game. He's doing well this season, getting into things more and gaining some skills!

Friday was Homecoming for Kimberly. The kids wore their Kimberly Red to school! Alice and I went to do library help at the school then we headed over and joined Casey to watch the homecoming parade. It was a quick parade, and we stayed back from the Candy crowd; Alice still scored some sweets though. Peter and Kendal enjoyed watching the parade with their classes. That evening Casey took Peter to the football game (I'm not in the mood to take a 1/2 potty trained, busy body to a crowded, cold football game). I took the girls to get a bit of ice cream and we watched Magic School Bus. (Shhhh, don't tell Pete about the ice cream ; ) Casey brought Pete home at half time. The football team ended up loosing.

Yesterday I took Kendal to her Volleyball match at 8. Her team won one and lost one game. She got a good handful of serves over, and a couple of returns. She's picking it up more and more as the season continues. We had to rush out after the first games, skipping her second team play so we could make it it to Hunter and Jaxson's baptism in Pocatello. It's so neat to see these amazing cousins growing up, making wonderful choices, and spending time with them. It was a soggy day, yet the kids still found their way in and out of the house playing around. Alice got drenched at one point. I got some cuddles with Naomi. Sadly my only picture of the day is of Kenny holding a napping Naomi (He's a champ at this : ). We'll have Becca's baptism in a couple of weeks so well get the gang back together then.

Alice's up to's: Alice is fully potty trained when it comes to pee. We've hit a stand still on poops, but with loads of patience and some time we'll get there.
Picture 1 and 2 - I got out Fall / Winter clothes. She tried on every single shirt that I got out and spent some time over two days wearing this cat (fox) pink pajamas. She also had to dress up her baby in her shirt (aka pincess dress). Picture 3 - Alice is our selective eater. She doesn't eat full meals most of the time, but place noodles of any kind in front of her and she inhales them! Picture 4 - "Stam up Daddy, be a king wif me!" Alice brings dresses and blankets to Casey and I and tells us to "stam up" and join her in her princess play. We often turn on some tunes and dance around. She's the boss and she knows it ; ) Picture #5 books with babes (or boots as she often calls them) Lastly picture #6 from today - Poor girl ran a fever this afternoon and has thrown up a couple of times. Lets hope this little bug is temporary cuz we have a date with Mickey Mouse later this week.

Our weeks have been filled with sports (Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday's are Volleyball, Tuesday and Thursday's are soccer.)

We've hit the Disney movies hard this year and are trying to get in our last few before we go next week! We've recently watched the first two Toy Story's, Pirates, Princess and the Frog, the most recent Star Wars, and ended with Nightmare before Christmas, and Up this weekend! The kids are all polished up on their movies and characters - we're ready and super excited to go to California this week!

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