Friday, February 1, 2019

Finishing off January

Alice's birthday was easy going. She had the morning to herself and opened her gifts when she wanted to. She got a Duplo Lego set and baseplate from us. Since Casey had an away game that day Alice and I took him lunch so she could see him. We ate "doodles" and enjoyed a little visit. Kendal had choir and Peter has a reading after school program so we picked them up later and the kids happily finished their day played Legos together.

I was in charge of combined mutual in January. We did Chocolate Wars! The youth were put into groups and did relay races involving chocolate. (Coco krispies on a spoon, Oreo face, whopper blow, m&ms separated, oven mitt kisses, doughnuts on a string, digging for chocolate in whipped cream, and whopper catch) It was loud, crazy, but a lot of fun for the youth. I gave a lecture about team work and working with / supporting the team your given, because that's what life gives you so might as well make the best of it.
Wednesday Alice had her well check. She's growing and thriving! She is 25 lb (50%) and 36 in tall (90%). People tell me Alice is pretty tall and now I believe them and guarantee she'll pass up her siblings someday.  Poor girl had a rough few days at the end of that week. She caught some sort of bug and threw up many times.
I took the kids to Casey's last two home games. They happily slurped down popsicles during the Thursday game. The following Tuesday we went to the game vs Declo. Grandpa D  was with us that night (In town with Grandma to help with cousins, see later in post) We finished Casey's game and stayed for part of JV till Alice was done! Casey's team finished their season strong with winning 12 of their 18 games.  JV was out the first day of districts and varsity is squeaking by, so we'll see where they end up.

Friday the 18th the kids had school off. We started the day with a playdate at the mall playground with the Birks. Peter was a bit much with his demanding / grumpy / temper / attitude (something that's gone on awhile). Alice just wanted to go everywhere but the playground so it wasn't our best outing. After lunch my parents and Katherine came up for the weekend!!
Saturday was Peter's first game. Kenny and Cheryl came up so Peter had a lot of support and love. He did great (played defense nearly the whole time ; ). He even shot a basket and made it! His team won that game! We had a lunch and a belated birthday cake for Alice. Alice got Legos, pjs, and a book from my parents, a shape sort from Auntie K, and grandma and grandpa D have her a set of water wow coloring books.  She's enjoyed all the gifts, (even though she'd rather destroy Legos than build she's obsessed with the little people figures)! It was fun having family in town. The kids got in some quality time and battleship games with them. Both Peter and Alice threw up Saturday into Sunday so I kept them home while the rest went to church. We had a nice dinner before my family left to beat the snow.


Monday the kids had school off for Martin Luther king Jr day. Casey  was at CSI doing workshops. We ended up watching cousins so Vanessa could take James to the Dr. Poor kid had to be admitted tho the hospital for a few days with a virus that affected his asthma something awful. The kids went nuts playing around all day together.
Tuesday Alice and I visited poor James in the hospital. After choir / reading group we went to Casey's game. (I wrote about it above.)
I had my first just beehives activity Wednesday we made cookies and went over personal progress. We're (yes me too) are all committed to finishing personal progress this year before the program ends. I've put a lot of time into taking apart and organizing everything so these girls can succeed. I feel a bit overwhelmed some moments, but I know I can do this even if it makes me crazy and adds a few grays.
Saturday Peter had his second Saturday of games. He had two games 10 and noon. Both were losses, but he worked hard and enjoyed playing. Alice just wanted to escape to the playground each time and was over it. That afternoon Casey took the older two to skateland. (Both worked for, and saved up for roller blades and since our outside is : ( I wanted to enjoy their reward). They had a great time with Peter showing his natural athletic ability and Kendal continued to improve her skate skills. I had baptisms with the youth that afternoon. My beehives were bundles of nerves, however they had a good time overall.

Sunday we had church. After church we've been doing the come follow me program during Alice's nap followed by family games. We're slowly getting a routine going and the kids working with us. We watched cousins that night so Brett and Vanessa could take Becca to its great to be eight.
Tuesday the was the kids parent teachers. Both got good reports from their teachers. Miss Breeding gave us insight into Peter's test scores (that came out the same as fall) saying he had a hard / frustrating time testing and even retook them in December. (Maybe why the poor kid has had a difficult attitude lately : (. We definitely gained some perspective. She did say that he is great at school and even makes him an example to others in class. (Basically he saves all his balled up ? to unleash at home in his "safe" place. : /.) Kendal's teacher had nothing but positives and praises for her and his class this year. She's had a rough year making friends, yet lately I feel she's had some consistent friends at school. We took the kids out to Sizzler tonight (thanks mom and dad for the gift card! ) to celebrate their positive reviews at school.
Pictures: Adventures of Alice and Peter's shadow from school conferences.


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