Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Alice is two!

 This amazing little lady turned two today! Sweet Alice you have such a great personality. You are talkative, sweet, musical, polite, busy, silly, funny, loving, curious, and just wonderful to behold.
Alice you make us laugh everyday. Between you're singing everything, how you act, and the things you do we are always kept smiling and laughing.
Alice, you love your babies. You carry them around, love them, undress them, and talk to them all day. You love "doodles" (noodles). You may be the pickiest eater we've ever had, but you'll always down a plate of noodles. You also enjoy "chss" (cheese) and "bnanananas" (bananas) a lot.
 You have such a personality. Your full of life, curious about everything, knowing what you want and go for it! Alice, you have your sisters love of books and can spend the whole day picking and demanding more "boots" (books) to be read from mommy. Like Peter though you're prone to getting into things. (Climbing for "cackers" and knowing where mom's "tandy" stash is.) You still nap (hallelujah!), and even though you wind up at your siblings bed time (running circles singing ring around the rosies,  or gibberish) you'll usually go down well when it's your turn though.
We are lucky and beyond blessed to have you little lady! Happy birthday sweetheart!





Alice is never in short supply of amusement with what she does or wears. I often send my parents pictures of Alice with her daily accessory (ranging from smiles, to full on crazy get ups, to messes. Plus a mission of the day (eating / coloring with butter, reading books, feeding babies, etc.) I know it brings a smile to their day as it does mine (i just get the added bonus of crazy in front of me ; )

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