Sunday, February 17, 2019

End of basketball and more.

Peter had his last two Basketball games on the 2nd, and 9th. His team won their game on the second. His team was short a few players on the ninth, so Peter played almost the whole game. It ended in a loss, but I was so proud of his willingness to get in there and play! He's grown a lot this season and gotten comfortable with the game. He says he enjoyed basketball and wants to play again! The high school girls lost on the fourth and were officially out of the tournament, so no state this year. (Can't say I'm super bummed about it though ; )

After Peter's game on the second we went into town to do the Home depot craft. Since we were late they were out of the scheduled craft, however the kids happily got to make airplanes. Alice just wanted to hold the hammer and hit the table, then she got into painting and wanted to paint herself. Peter and Kendal got to work and made theirs all on their own. Since it was late we stayed in town and took the kids to chick fill a for lunch. Terry, Sarah, and their crew ended up being there as well so the kids got a bit of play time in with cousins.


Our next kiwi crate came and I decided it would be for both kids from my parents. (They bought two months worth to go to both kids.) The kids loved putting it together, learning how out works, and it's been a fixture in their room since. I got a bonus crate I let Kendal have which was making her own stamps. She loved carving them out and we used them to make Valentine's for family. She was so proud of her work and she did a great job!

Wednesday the sixth we took the kids to a chili night fundraiser at the high school along with the boys basketball last home game. I had to leave after the first quarter to go to mutual. Casey and the kids stayed awhile. The kids played, snacked, and wandered around having their own fun. At mutual the beehives had a paint like Bob Ross night. Let's just say it's easier said than done, and it was more mess than masterpiece, but a good time nonetheless.
We had our typical routine over the next week. School, piano, choir, reading group, watched cousins a bit, etc.
The day before Valentine's was busy! The young women did a cupcake fundraiser for girls camp. So that morning I helped Carrie make cupcakes. (We ended up with well over 850 mini cupcakes! ) Early afternoon I made frosting (and Casey's better than Samoa cookies for his Valentine's). Later that afternoon the girls frosted, packaged and delivered the cupcakes. Alice must have swiped at least eight cupcakes during the day. Kendal had achievement days also on Wednesday. They read a story and heart attacked the bishops office. Peter was in between achievement days and my activity, and Alice was either swiping cupcakes or in the nursery with Aubrey till Casey came.
I heart attacked the kids and Casey for Valentine's day. Sharing notes of things we love about them. They also got cupcakes I brought home. Casey and I exchanged sweets and cards. (Yep, we're super romantic ; ) Kendal and Peter had fun days at school with class parties. There's been a lot of sick going around and out caught up to Casey, he didn't feel good before and on Valentine's and topped it off with a crown coming off at school. They had so many teachers sick and asking for subs for Friday that they cancelled school. The kids got a free day to play and do what they wanted. Since Casey was home I stole a couple of hours and went to the temple! Saturday we had an easy going day. I gave Kendal a trim, the boys hair cuts, and ran into town for my own cut. Casey got his crown fixed that afternoon. We decided to end our lazy day going out for dinner. We took the kids to Ihop (thanks mom and dad for the Valentine's gift!)
Last Sunday and today we got a lot of snow. Last Sundays was only half a foot and the warm temps melted it by Thursday. Today's dump neared a foot and just kept going all day long. Church still went on with a few less in numbers so ie for sucked into nursery help. We're getting into a groove with lessons at home. Peter still picks his moments of good / annoying, but overall he participates.
We're gearing up for Disney later this year (most likely). So Casey's been introducing the kids to more Disney songs (especially since we're sick of Alice only knowing "let it go!") We've also started watching Disney flicks. A bit of Mickey mouse, 101 Dalmatians, Alladin, Alice in wonderland. We'll keep going till all our beloved characters are covered, and Disney fever is in full force.
These last pictures are just for smiles and reminders of silly Alice.


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