Sunday, July 15, 2018

Alice is 18 months!

Happy 18 months baby girl!
Alice is still a mover and a shaker. Her curiosity is growing daily which means she's everywhere and into anything (toilet, daddy's dresser of stuff, Legos, etc.)
Her babble is in full force and she has something to say all day long. She likes music and will shake and sing to it. She has down some ASL signs and a few words. (shus - shoes, Alalalbana - banana, take u - thank you, Chad - cheese,  ball, mom, dada, some, she attempts Kendal and Peter, and will randomly repeat words like pizza, car, etc.
She's still a mama's girl which I love (except when it's dinner time and she wants to be on my arms or between me and the counter).
She's following in Kendal's footsteps and when we say it's bed time she'll walk herself to bed. She's also following in big brothers footsteps of being opinionated. (Can't have it all.)
She's had two good weeks in nursery (minus the last few minutes when the door is open and parents are picking up kids.)
She's still all about her accessories and hauling things around. Such as (boxes, blankets, dollss, hats, shoes, bags, towels, necklaces,laundry, etc.) You name it she'll grab it and utilize it.
Alice loves a good stroller ride or turn in the swing. She'll put up an argument to stay in and loves the buckles on the stroller and her high chair lately too.
At 18 months Alice is 32 inches tall and 23 lbs!
She makes us laugh and smile every day.

Oh how we love our little one Alice!

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