Monday, April 2, 2018

Spring break part 2 (Grand Canyon)

We made our way to the Grand Canyon Wednesday afternoon. We set up camp, ate dinner, and since it was cold turned in for the night. (Our nights were below freezing and I ended up with Alice on me. Not much sleep.) Thursday we got to head out and enjoy the Grand canyon. It was warm and sunny so we enjoyed our time out. The kids got to do some Junior Ranger booklets and earned a badge! Alice was in heaven collecting rocks our whole trip (especially here) she'd walk along collecting, tasting, and loving the rocks. Thomas would stop every so often and refuse to move or just whine on the path. By the end of the afternoon the kids were pestering each other, but overall on the trip they got along. We had dinner and short drive that night to warm up and waste time before bed. We headed out Friday for our 11hr drive to Idaho. It was a long trip (over 1,900 miles on the speedometer), and not enough sleep, but we had some good times and memories with family! 

On our way home we stopped by a Lego store for a reward for the kids! They were troopers the whole week and deserved a reward for behavior and helping out.

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