Monday, December 4, 2017


We're fully into basketball season. Our first couple of years here there were very few games that the kids and I missed. Last year my pregnant body didn't love sitting through games and this year busy days, and a wiggly baby are keeping us from attending as much as we used to. However I'm still determined to go, support, cheer, and let the children, enjoy, and see Dad in one of his many great elements. We made it to a couple of games this past week. I love that Kendal is more aware and knowledgeable about the game, I love that Peter is old enough to go off and find the bathroom and get a drink on his own (even though he stays away to long, thankfully his teacher is the one at the door stamping hands so I know he's got friendly eyes looking out for him) and I love that Alice likes to sit on my lap and absorb the busy game. (She lasts for almost the whole time, having snacks never hurts either ; )

We've typically done Jammies for the kids on Christmas eve. It's one of those traditions I dreamed about doing with my kids and have loved doing for years. However this year I felt that it's kind of a waste to wait to enjoy holiday jammies. So I decided to wrap them up and let the kids open them to start this month out!
Peter and Kendal were thrilled to get to open them early. It was Alice's first ever present. She didn't care much, and wanted the phone more than her gift when I started taking videos. But it's all good; and my goodness they're pretty cute and Awesome kids!

While I'm all about traditions, I'm learning its ok to tweak and change them from time to time. Sometimes it's an adjustment, other times it's still just as wonderful. (I also made my traditional caramels early to have for Kendal's baptism instead of at Christmas.)

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