Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Logan Holiday Visist

Christmas break came and we headed to Logan for some pre Christmas family time! We made it Wednesday evening and the kids were happy to see my parents and Katherine and happy there was snow to play in. Thursday Kendal and Peter went out and built a snow cave / fort. They had fun while I ran errands and finished a couple of Christmas shopping needs with my mom.

My parents gave the kids their presents on Thursday evening. They did such a great job getting wonderful gifts for the kids and for us. Kendal gushed over everything she got. Peter loves his Start Wars figures, and little Legos, they both love their special pillow cases which they insisted go back on their pillows after laundry day today. Alice got a cute doll house and a very special and amazing pillow that my mom made. Also; I don't think I've mentioned here that each year my mom let's each of us pick out a special ornament that she then buys for each of us. This is a tradition that goes back to as long as I can remember. I have a tree full of memories and special ornaments that have meaning to me and my little family. Thank you Mom and Dad! 💗

The sibling gift for my parents was a new kitchen floor. (It was time to say goodbye to the 35 yr old floor.) The kitchen got taken apart on Friday. We spent that day and a bit into Saturday finishing it. Casey and David did the bulk of the work and the floor looks great! 
Without a working kitchen we ate out for lunch and dinner Friday. We hit up Fredricos that night. It's a pizza place that our family has frequented for many many years. 


 Saturday morning the kids went out and shoveled snow. Peter got to know the neighbor during the week and helped him shovel a bit. Kendal and my Dad made a snowman in the front yard. After lunch my Dad and Casey took the older kids sledding around the shop. They rode a garbage can lid behind a four wheeler and had a blast! We then took the kids bowling. Kendal jumped and spun around, Peter slid into most of his bowling, Elliot enjoyed pushing the ball down the ramp, Alice helped me with a few gutter balls, Casey and David spun their way to losing. Mom, Katherine, and I did our best. And Anica is a few weeks away from sweet baby boy coming so she supported from the sidelines. The kids got to do some arcade games after as well. The girls and I picked up Nana and we had our big family dinner Saturday night. I've wanted to inherit some books from my Nana and Papa and my biggest wish was to get a few 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' books from my Nanas collection for the kids and myself. I have many cherished Christmas memories with my grandparents and I remember reading a Christmas story each year at family parties. So I hope to continue the tradition with my kids and love that they have a book from my grandparents.

On Christmas Eve we got to go to a special sacrament meeting with my parents. I love the music and the spirit that it brings. We said our goodbyes after lunch and made our way home before the snow started to fly.

That evening we headed over to Brett and Vanessa's house to enjoy some tamales and family time. The kids played hard and we ate or fill! Before bed we listened to the nativity story and each looked at our special Twas the night books from Nana as I read the story.

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