Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas 2017!

 We heard the kids awake around a quarter to seven Christmas morning and they snuck out close to 7:30. We let Alice continue to sleep while Kendal and Peter started on their Christmas. The kids got special books that we had made that have their names and their likes. Kendal's in The kingdom of You about her being queen and things in her kingdom she likes. Pete's is a story about him traveling in space and getting back home (909 Post Circle #3 ; ). Alice's has our family searching for "littlest bear" which turns out to be her. Kendal got mini hatchimals from us and American Girl stuff from Santa. Peter got a millennium falcon from us and a robot kit from Santa. They both got some Lego mini figures, stocking fun, and goodies. Alice got a doll from Santa and little people from us. Casey's parents came later in the morning. They got to see the kids gifts and spend some time with us! We spent the rest of the day enjoying, playing, and having quality family time.  I went out with the kids to play in the snow. We made a slide and shuffled around in the snow for awhile. We pulled out Casey's New ticket to ride game when Alice napped that afternoon. Peter lost interest and played with his millennium falcon. I squeaked out a win! It was a simple, easy going, and perfect day!

One of our gifts to the kids was taking them to a movie. We took them to see Ferdinand on Tuesday afternoon. Alice slept through the whole thing and the other two snacked, and enjoyed the movie. We took them out to Pizza Pie cafe afterwards. They have a balloon guy there. Peter chose Elmo and Kendal got a cat.

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