Wednesday, November 15, 2017

It's great to be eight!

This sweet, amazing little lady turns eight today! She's been so full of anticipation and it's only going to continue as she has her baptism to look forward to in a couple of weeks!
Kendal you made us parents eight years ago. Your sweet soul has filed our hearts and our lives with so much joy and love. You have an amazing gift of love and friendship. You enjoy connecting with others. You are so smart. We think it's wonderful how much you devour books and enjoy learning. We love your tender heart. You've always had a milder temperament, but you have emotions that run deep (and sometimes on the surface). You are so talented Kendal. You give it your all and we are so proud of the work you put into basketball, piano, learning, and life. You have a great love for the gospel, for going to church, for Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ. They love you unconditionally, just as we do.
Sweetheart never forget you are a daughter of God, a special little lady, a beautiful person inside and out, and loved so very very much!
Love, Mom and Dad

Kendal's favorites at 8yrs old!
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite Toy: American Girl Doll
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite Animal: Duck
Favorite Song: Gethsemane
Favorite Holiday: Birthday
Favorite snack: Grahm crackers and milk
Favorite books: Fairy books, Rainbow magic, Elsa and Anna
When she grows up: Teacher and a coach
Favorite parts of school: everything
Nickname: Sweet Pea
Favorite part of birthday: presents!
Fun fact - the above picture is a sneak peak from her baptism photo shoot. ( She wanted to raise her arms and yell "I'm getting baptised in almost every other picture ; ).

Kendal loves that she shares a special connection with Alice because they were both born on Sundays and the 15th of their month! So - happy ten months Alice!
Alice has gained two teeth this past month. When her teeth or tummy isn't giving her issues she sleeps really well at night now! She is exploring more and getting into anything she wants. She walks along furniture, but won't take steps behind her walker. She babbles quite a bit and gives sweet smiles. She's more into table food than baby food these days ( who can blame her though ; ).

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