Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Fall festivities

Casey finished out his football season on the nineteenth. The weather was wonderful and the kids enjoyed themselves and the game.  His team won their last game! They had three wins and four losses this season.  Between a new coaching staff and ridiculous parents Casey hasn't enjoyed coaching football as much this year. I know Casey loves to coach and I can see his enthusiasm and enjoyment as he interacts with the players. We'll see what next year brings.

Our ward put on a harvest dinner a couple of weeks ago. We got to dress up as farmers and enjoy chili. The kids played more than ate, but that's usually how things go.

We finished Harry Potter! Kendal was a champ to read a book a bit above her leve (fifth grade level, she reads at a low fourth grade level) Some of the words took a few tries to get down. It was quite long for her and took her two weeks to get through, but she loved it and was hooked early on. I read it to Peter. He liked the book, but wanted more pictures as I read. Initially I was just going to do a couple of movie themed treats, but my imagination and love of Harry Potter took over. I Made chocolate frogs and their boxes, golden snitches, and found berties botts every flavor beans. I Made owl balloons that "delivered" personalized Hogwarts acceptance letters and train tickets. They also got homemade wands (which are currently in time out : /. We had the kids take a house sorting quiz over dinner with the "sorting hat" on. Kendal is in Hufflepuff and Peter is in Gryffindor! We put Alice in Gryffindor as well since Casey and I are in Hufflepuff. Peter wasn't willing to pose for pictures, but Kendal was. The kids loved the movie and the experience. Kendal wants to read the next book, but we're having her wait till the holiday break.

Side note: Kendal made an AR (reading) goal at the beginning of school to reach forty points by January. We'll she met her goal early and finished this month! We are so proud of her hard work and love off books! She also would've gotten 12 points from reading Harry Potter but she just missed out on getting a high enough score on the quiz for the points. (She said she couldn't ask for help pronouncing words as she took the quiz) She was pretty bummed to miss out on the points and lose two weeks of reading towards her goal, but all that matters to us is she enjoyed the book, and did her best no matter the outcome.

Peter has been begging to carve pumpkins since we got them. We finally carved them Saturday morning. Kendal and Peter each chose a character ( Mini and Yoda) and drew a scary face. Casey did an awesome job carving the kids creations! We made Alice's pumpkin an owl, but didn't carve it so we can keep it longer. (Again Peter wasn't up for pictures, it's a new phase of disliking the camera.)

Peter got to hang out with Casey a few times at football practice this fall. He has loved the one on one and likes being with the team. He's so friendly with the boys and coaches. After the last game he was high fiving and congratulating all of the boys after the game.
Kendal got her turn to have much coveted daddy time Saturday afternoon. They headed out to Tubbs Berry farm and did the corn maze, slides, raced some rubber ducks, and saw some animals. Kendal led the way through the maze and always wanted to turn left (they ended up getting out pretty fast because of it).

The kids had their primary program this past Sunday. Casey's parents came up to see them. Both Kendal and Peter did a wonderful job giving their parts and singing the songs. My mama heart was bursting with pride and love.
Peter's Part: "I will choose the right by helping others."
 Kendal's part: "I am preparing for baptism by making good choices, saying my prayers to Heavenly Father, and doing and being my best."

Casey got a week off and now he's on to basketball season. Kendal started basketball last week as well. She's excited to play. She's got a pretty strict coach this year. While it makes me a bit uneasy, she is learning some really good fundamentals, and doesn't mind the hard core practices (yet). Her fist game is Saturday!

Casey decided to make a pumpkin pie from scratch. He went and bought a sweet pumpkin, cooked it, pureed it, and made it into an amazing pie! He even did crust from scratch and fresh whipped cream to top it off. I love that he's so adventurous with food.

 The kids chose to be Star Wars characters for Halloween. Peter chose Yoda and Kendal ended up as Rey (because she gets a cool light sabor and the other female leads don't have light sabors ; ). Alice by default became an adorable BB8. The costumes took a bit of work, and while they weren't perfect I liked how they turned out and the kids loved them!
We picked up pizza for dinner (the kids earned their book it's!) We delivered a couple pieces of pizza to Casey at basketball try outs then joined Vanessa and her crew of Hogwarts wizards for trick or treating. It was a bit chilly out, but that didn't deter the kids. Alice even feel asleep for a while (poor girl is under the weather this week). Casey left try outs early and joined the last bit of trick or treating with us!
Casey dressed up with his seventh grade team at school. He makes a cute tin man and does great being surrounded by this crazy bunch. 

Once in a while these kids give me a good picture. (Even if it takes seven shots to get ; )

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