Monday, November 13, 2017

This, that, and the other

We got a good layer if snow a couple of weeks ago. The kids happily piled on their gear and spent Friday afternoon and Saturday out in it. Casey joined them Saturday add they built a snowman and snow benches. The kids were loving it! I was just grateful it melted within a couple of days.

Both Casey and Kendal started basketball at the end of October. The high school girls put on a basketball camp on the 3rd. Casey got to see Kendal work on her skills and Kendal got to spend a few hours learning and playing around with friends and the high school girls. She's been nicknamed "little D" by the JV coach. Kendal's team name is the Sun's this year. She's one of twelve girls on her team. Kendal has had two games; on the fourth and eleventh! Her first game she was a wing position. So she got to pass in the ball a lot, however she didn't get a lot of ball handling time on court. They lost in overtime by two that day. Kendal had less playing time at her second game on the eleventh. She was still a wing position, but on the other side. It was another close game ending in a loss. Same score as the first. 12 - 14.

Casey has a good size group this year for basketball. They have varying talents as usual, but overall they'll be decent. His first game was Saturday in American Falls. They pulled out a win in overtime!
Casey's also growing his beard out this month with the rest of the middle school guys. While I admit he's handsome as always, I'm still against it and will happily go back to soft kisses in December. ; )

The kids had parent teacher conferences this past week. Kendal has excellent marks in everything and her teacher had only good things to say about her. She's amazed us with her reading this year, loves math, surprised us with neat penmanship, and is simply loving school.
Peter's teacher had nothing but praises about how much he knows and how well he's doing in class. She's noticed a bit more silly behavior lately, but says it's not really a big deal. (She thinks he's just really comfortable in his environment now and is always quick to be refocused if needed.) I'm so grateful he's gone into this school year with enthusiasm and willingness!

Since last week was patent teacher conferences Casey and the kids had Friday off. We took the opportunity to make a quick trip up to Meridian to go through the new temple. We met up with Brett, Vanessa, and their crew to go through. The kids were so excited. Peter, Kendal, and Becca held hands through most of the temple, David counted stairs, and the babies were happily passed back and forth. I loved being able to show the kids Heavenly Fathers special house. It was a wonderful trip! We quickly ate some lunch afterwards so we could Jet home for Casey and Kendal's practices though.
(I'll add more pictures when I can get Vanessa to send them to me.)

We've had some rough days and many rough nights with a cold being passed around. Alice is also teething and has poped out two teeth these last few weeks. To top it off Peter is having a really rough time with growing pains and his clock is off thanks to day light savings.
Here's hoping for a good week of better health, a happy birthday, sleeping kids, and winning basketball games!

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