Friday, September 30, 2016

Last bit of September

I can't believe it's been over a month since school started. Kendal is enjoying being in first grade. She likes her teachers, all that she's learning, her extra classes (art, music, p.e., etc.), eating lunch at school, and the extra recesses. She has adjusted well to her longer days at school. Kendal is doing well with her reading. She loving Junie B. Jones chapter books and has read a harder level Kristen series book too. Kendal is still a sweetheart but on occasion she tries to debate with us to get her way on things. The only thing she really gets in trouble for is trying to tell her brother what to do.
With Kendal gone all day Peter took longer to adjust to no sister all day; and while I wish he'd sleep in a bit he now wakes up with more enthusiasm for the day than his sister. Peter has been doing ABC mouse online academy with some side preschool stuff with me. Vanessa and I have been deep in wedding projects so we've spent a lot of time at his cousins and he loves going and spending time with Becca. We have Grady over once a week and Peter's been so good with him. While Peter is still stubborn, I think the naughty stubborn is thankfully starting to go away. He's still all about his Lego's (big and little) as well as his cars.
Casey has half his games done for the season. The team has lost three and won one. He's doing fine with the seventh graders and having a good time teaching them so far. They think he's a fun teacher and generally like his class. The school had homecoming this past week. Peter and I snuck in and watched Casey teach for ten minutes till it was time for the parade. Casey got silly string and confetti shot at him by former students which was messy, but peter didn't complain about the handfuls of candy that was coming our way. The kids and I went to Casey's first home game Thursday. The kids enjoy finding daddy throughout the game, but have little interest in the players so they wandered the bleachers and played with another little girl.

I'm thankfully moving on from morning sickness (mostly), however I've had a lot of pain that's making some days difficult (I can't walk, get up right, or move well. Thank you Static nerve, and pelvic girdle pain) But I'm trudging through and relying on Casey a bit more. We picked apples and peaches a few weeks back that I've spent a couple of Saturdays canning. I'm helping Vanessa make four skirts, three little girls dresses, and eight bowties for Cody's wedding, plus I'm doing table decor as well. I've felt very busy this fall with a big list of projects and watching kids some days during the week, but it's a good busy and even though I'm tired more I feel very productive.
We went out to Tubbs farm last weekend to get pumpkins for the wedding. The kids got to help find the small white ones in thousands that were around the field. Peter mostly wanted to push around the wheel barrow. They fed a miniature horse while Casey and I sorted pumpkins, then we picked raspberries.

The kids had their Primary program this past week. Kendal was loud and proud to give her part and sang all of the songs. Peter gave his part (happy he did because his primary track record for talking isn't great.) He sang one song well and mostly listened to the rest. I was released a month ago from primary (i've been in primary over five years; but now I get to teach relief society.) however my class hasn't received a new teacher so I got to sit with them through one last program.

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