Saturday, January 24, 2015

Big Kids

Yep, We dove into Potty Training this week with Peter. A while back Peter started requesting to use the Potty. We'd put him on every once in a while and always before a bath and he would go most of the time. Casey was all for potty training a month or so ago, but I wanted holiday travels out of the way and a good couple of weeks at home to give him a good start. He picked out his underwear (Mickey mouse, Dino's, and fun colors) which made him more excited. On Monday we dove in and started his journey. We've done lots of Old McDonald and other songs to keep him sitting. He's done really well and only had a few accidents this whole week. We even managed Story time at the Library and a short trip to the Grocery store accident free. I ordered a "Cars" potty seat that came this week and Peter's been obsessed with it. (Finally used some Huggies points and got the potty seat for free!) He's very independent and wants to get on and off the potty himself, and he insists on getting  re-dressed himself. I'm a little surprised at how well Peter is doing. I keep pinching myself that it can't be this easy, but I'm not holding my breath that the potty is a complete success yet. Cross your fingers things continue to go well : )

Whenever I pull out my sewing machine Kendal wants to sit down and sew something too. I had my machine pulled out this week for a couple of projects and with enough begging I caved in to Kendal wanting to help. She helped me a little on my projects and we spent Peter's nap time one day making her a couple of headbands. She was so happy to get to do a project and even happier to wear her headbands. Right now she's sitting contently by me making some bracelets with her rainbow loom.

I love it when the kids play together well. Above is Peter and Kendal's train creation where her Lego's are combined with his going on a ride.

This week Preschool was cancelled (Holiday / sick kids). The kids and I painted, played math games, and did a lot of puzzles during preschool time.
Casey had two away games this week. This past week he had a second player get a concussion, two players sick, and another two players out with bad sprains. He had to steal a few players from JV to play in Thursday's game (Which they won!) Making it 4 wins and too many losses to count. Their last game is this next week at home against Declo. He's got two with concussion's, and two more with sprains that are done for the season. So we're crossing our fingers that his five remaining players stay healthy and able to play Tuesday.

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