Monday, June 30, 2014

Trip to Logan Part 2

Week 2:
On Sunday we went to church with my parents again. It feels odd going back to a ward I grew up in. I used to babysit the kids that are heading out on missions, and the ward has changed a lot. Peter only made it through sacrament meeting then he went home with my Dad for the rest of the meeting. After dinner that Afternoon we had a nice visit with my great Aunt Bonnie.
After swim on Monday we went to Gossners to get some yummy flavored milk for the kids and some for a trip we're taking in July. I let Kendal pick out the flavors to have at lunch. She got strawberry, cookies n cream, chocolate, vanilla, and orange cream. So yummy, and so cheap! We were itching to get out of the house so we went to Willow park to eat lunch, play, and visit the zoo.  My cousin Billie and her kids joined us. There was more play then food consumption, but I expected that. The kids enjoyed the zoo (sorry left my camera behind on this adventure). Kendal got to feed a reindeer, and the kids tried to follow around the peacock. I gave Peter a hair cut later on Monday. He's needed one for a while, but I procrastinate because he's got a stubborn cowlick that stays down better when his hair is longer.

During lunch on Monday Casey texted me telling me he was hurt. He didn't dive into details but I figured it couldn't be too bad if he just slapped on a band aid and continued working. When Casey came home at six o clock there was still blood oozing from his finger so I decided to help him clean it up better. He unwrapped his bandage and his finger was grey, swollen, and still bleeding. I immediately made him come with me to Insta care. Apparently Casey was holding a board at work that his coworker was nailing with a nail gun. The nail gun misfired when it hit a knot in the wood and the nail went into Casey's middle finger. He took his finger out right away and just bandaged it up. His finger got hit around 9 in the morning and he came home from work at 6. The nurses cleaned up Casey's finger, and because it was so badly bruised and swollen the Dr. wanted an x-ray. The x-ray showed that the nail had hit and fractured his bone. To top off Casey's fun night in Insta care I became light headed and pale during x-rays so I had to sit on the floor and drink Gatorade while the technician was trying to get me into a wheelchair. (low blood pressure + light lunch + plus ooky surroundings = me turning into a ghost) Poor Casey had to sit next to me till I got my color back and then he could go back and finish up with his finger. Casey was Crazy / kind enough to return to work the next day to help out my Dad and Uncle. He had a splint on his finger and a bottle of pills in his lunch box.
This is Casey's finger a couple of days after he got hit. It looks 100 x better than the day of.

On Tuesday we went to another story time at the library. Tuesday night we went to get some Aggie Ice cream and visit Papa's grave. Ice cream treats was a big thing with my Papa, and is also with my Dad.

On Wednesday we went to Adams park with Billie and her kids to play. Peter was so brave and went down the big slides by himself, and Kendal had fun playing with Emma and learning to make bracelets with Tate and Billie. Wednesday afternoon we went to library for a scales and tales event. Their room was packed solid when we got there. Kendal loved seeing the lizard, spider, snakes, tortoises, alligator, and kimono dragon. Peter was in my arms the whole time, but once he got sick of that my Mom and Sister kindly took him out.

On Thursday we went out to my Nana's again for lunch and to organize some things in her garage for her. Billie has been helping my Grandma de clutter a bit and we were helping her further organize it so we could get together on Friday with family to take some items home. While we were out visiting my Nana we put on a little tea party. My Nana has some pretty china and she let the kids pull out teacups and a teapot. We had little pies, cookies, and some juice.

Friday morning after swim lessons we went out to the Peperage Farm factory to get discount crackers and cookies. Kendal got to pick out some crackers with Peter and I bought some crackers and cookies to take on our trip in July. Friday night we went out to my Nana's house. We got to see family, eat dinner, and pick up a few treasures from my Nana's house.
Saturday was our last day. After swim lessons we celebrated by going to a new spud nut store. We enjoyed our treats then headed back to my parents to play and pack up.
Before our visit to Logan Kendal had taught Peter to climb out of his crib. So our entire stay was a battle of naps, and bedtime. With Peter being sick and grumpy for part of our stay it made things interesting. We invaded my parents home and brought chaos, mess, and noise. Thankfully they love us a lot and we had some wonderful times. Kendal was overjoyed to have Auntie Katherine as her play mate for two weeks. Katherine and my Mom played, colored, and loved the kids so very much! We got in a few game nights with my Mom, Katherine, David, and Anica. I had a lucky streak going because I won a fair share of the games. It was a good visit with my wonderful family; and now it's nice to be home back to our own routine again.

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