Monday, June 30, 2014

Swim lessons

 We decided to put Kendal in swim lessons this year. Casey and I feel it's important for the kids to learn to swim and have water safety; swimming helps with large motor skills, it is great exercise, and it's just plain fun. When Casey takes the kids fishing or when we go camping or swimming we want our children to be able to swim and be safe. Both Casey and I have limited swimming abilities so we know we wanted lessons to help the kids learn and do their best.
Doing swim lessons in Logan worked out this year because the price was decent and we were already visiting so we extended our stay a week to include lessons. My cousin Billie was able to get her two kids in swim lessons at the same time so the kids had fun seeing each other every day.
Kendal was in a class with another little girl and little boy her age. Her two teachers Chelsee, and Teesha, were awesome. They pushed Kendal to do her best and made the class fun. The first week of lessons was hit and miss due to the weather. The weather was overcast the first Monday so the kids were all crowded into the heated pool. Lessons were cancelled Tuesday and Wednesday the first week because of rain / storms. Thankfully Thrusday and Friday the first week got warmer. Because there were two cancelled days the first week Kendal had swim Monday through Saturday the next week.
In Kendal's class she learned how to enter / exit the pool, bob in the water, hand and arm treading movements, rocket on her stomach and back to move her body forward, flutter kicks on her front and back to swim to a teacher, staying underwater for 5 seconds, front crawl, fish fins, staying safe around water, recognizing lifeguards, how to wear a life jacket the right way, recognizing an emergency, call for help, and floating on her back and belly. She's better at back floats however she gets distracted and doesn't float long.
Kendal went into her lessons with enthusiasm and worked very hard. Her teachers had nothing but praise for her enthusiasm for the class and her willingness to try everything. We are proud of all that she learned and are excited to keep practicing her swim skills this summer.

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