Sunday, June 8, 2014


We decided to have a get together for family birthdays this month. It ended up just being Casey's brothers and families that live in the area. We went down to Dirkies lake to swim, play, and picnic.
Kendal is excited about swim lessons this month so we were happy to get some water time in before so she's more comfortable at her lessons. Peter took a few minutes to get used to it, but he fell in love with digging in the sand and going in and out of the shallow water. Peter was in his element of building and doing and happily played for quite a while. Both kids got cold at one point because the sun was hiding and the wind picked up. Once they warmed back up they returned and happily played. We cooked up some hot dogs and had some delicious watermelon for dinner. It was a perfect beginning to the summer.
I'm mad at myself for forgetting the camera. So no pictures this time. : (

Casey ended his school year this past week. Casey says he had a good year, he's continuing to learn and adapt his teaching, and he hopes his students learned from him. While he had his fair share of buggers, he had a decent group of students overall. Casey is spending the month of June helping out with girls basketball. They have games twice a week, and a few camps to attend. He's happy to get a break from school, and we're happier to get in some quality family time this summer.

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