Monday, March 17, 2014


I feel lucky to have the family I do. I am blessed with so many wonderful people in my life. I feel the most lucky and proud that I get to be a Mommy to Kendal and Peter.
 I am completely in love with these two. They can try my patience like any child can, they can make me laugh like no other, and they melt my heart every day. 

Little miss Kendal is learning and growing every day. Kendal has an endless amount of questions and comments inside her. She absorbs everything and is such a smarty pants. Kendal is still in love with preschool. She often gets mad at me when I come to take her home because she wants more time to learn and play with her friends. Kendal is enjoying her CTR 4 class and gives us reports every week on what she learns and expects to hear everything we learned about at church also. Kendal loves to help, I am more than willing to help her clean and I'm starting to ease up and let her help me cook (create messes) more. Kendal can read a couple of books, and many site words but she'd prefer to look at the picture in a book and make up the story. Now that we've had a taste of warm weather Kendal wants to be outside everyday. Walks, bikes, swings, running around, etc. Kendal is still loves to smother with love. She likes to tell us how much she loves us, gives us kisses, hugs, and lots of love. Kendal's favorite things to do lately are play doh, dance parties in her dresses, polly pockets, bike / scooter rides, tablet time, hide and go seek and going to preschool.

Peter is keeping us on our toes. This little guy has figured out safety latches on cupboards, and how to open doors. He uses anything he can to climb onto the table, counters, his dresser, the office desk, and the TV console. He gets into our garbage's and his diaper pail to fish around for treasure. Peter is all about figuring things out and exploring. If it opens he'll open it and take out everything he sees. If it comes apart, he'll take it apart, then try and once in a while succeed at getting it back together. Peter is still a champ eater, but now he's getting pickier / messier. He doesn't like the peal of apple so he'll spit it out and toss it, if his cereal reaches a certain soggy point, it gets dumped on his tray if Mom isn't watching. He can wolf down a meal before Kendal's eaten a fraction of her plate though. Peter's vocab is expanding daily. He can repeat almost any word and modifies words he can't quite say. Ex. - Kendal is "Tendal", grapes are "bapes", open is "ope", etc. Words are so nice because he can tell us his needs and wants. Most of his wants are food, blanket, or his Binky, but he also tells us when he's poppy, needs help blowing on hot food, or wants to go for a walk. Peter's favorite thing to play with is his train. When he's left alone (aka Kendal doesn't come in and steal half the Lego's) he will play forever, putting the blocks together in different ways and driving the train around. He also loves play doh (it comes out every other day in our house), the cars, dump trucks, and the play kitchen where he loves to pretend to make us food. He'll hold up the play food so we'll pretend to eat it, and when we join in the play he's loves it. Pete is all sorts of funny. The things he says, how he'll bobble, scoot around the room, and his silly faces make us laugh all the time. Peter can be as social as Kendal but he has to warm up before he'll start giving you smiles and talking with you. He's finally mastered the knuckle punch and says boom at the end with a big smile.

While not everyday is bubbles and rainbows at our house. It doesn't take much reflection to know I am very lucky to have these two little joys in my life.

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