Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Our labor day weekend

We started our weekend by trying to get to a session Friday at the Twin Falls Temple. However,  they were filled up; due to the new temple video and the fact that the temple is closed all of September. We ended up going and doing sealing's. I was bummed because I was really looking forward to doing a session. It's been over a year since we've been able to get to the temple and I was excited to see the new video. Sealing's were nice and at the very least I was getting a long over due date with Casey. (Thank you Sarah for watching the kids. We appreciated it more than you know.)
Friday night we went to Raft River. We started early Saturday morning and spent the majority of the day husking, cooking, cutting, and bagging corn to freeze. We put together a little over 150 bags of corn (aka the back of a small pick up truck full of corn cobs). It was a lot of work and my hands have paid the price since, but it was all worth it. It feels good to contribute to the families food storage. Vanessa taught me how to can a couple of weeks ago. I hope to can some more in the next month or so.
Friday night we had a party celebrating Hunter and Jaxson's second birthday. All 8 kids were there. Kendal loves being closer to family, and it was fun to spend the day with them.
We came home Saturday, and went to church Sunday. Our Relief Society lesson was on living within our means, and food storage type stuff. It fit so well with what I've been doing lately. I am now called to be the chorister for sacrament meeting. A little over my head, but I hope to do a decent job. No job for Casey yet, but I'm sure he's on their list.
We took it easy Monday by running a few errands in town. We checked out Winco (a version of Sam's club). We played in the park in the afternoon. And wrote Kendal's talk for next Sunday for FHE.

This picture was taken towards the end of corn and does not do our day justice.  Imagine the table loaded with corn along with the counter behind them and next to the sink, just chuck full of corn. So much corn.

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