Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Peter is 11 months old

It feels like our baby is leaving and we'll soon have a toddler on our hands. Peter has picked up on so much this past month.
He has learned how to play peek-a-boo. He will lift a piece of clothing or blanket in front of his face and drop it while we say peek-a-boo. He gets the biggest grin when he does this.
Pete is learning to wave to people. He doesn't do this a lot, but it's sweet when he does.
Pete is getting shy. Sometimes at church he will babble and play with the people behind us. Lately he will babble at them and then hide in Casey or my arms.
Pete loves to stand and push his toys and our chairs around. He will stand a little on his own, but is still hesitant to make steps on his own.
Kendal can get Peter to really laugh. Casey and I can get giggles out of him, but he will laugh for a long time even when Kendal just jumps up and down in front of him.
Peter getting himself stuck behind the TV
Peter loves cell phones. He adores my flip phone; he's figured out how to open it, take pictures, babble to it,  and even call people. If he see's my phone (any phone really) he whines till he gets it. Pete holds the phone up to his neck or head and babbles. Sometimes he'll even babble and hand us the phone to talk then wants to phone back to babble some more. Any toy that is rectangle and relatively small Peter treats it like it's a phone.
Peter is still a champion eater. He eats up anything given to him, and often bangs his tray for more. He feeds himself well, and has learned how to handle his sippy cup on his own.

This past weekend my parents and sister came for a visit. They spoiled us by bringing Peter and me our birthday presents early. (THANK YOU!!) The weather wasn't awesome, but we made do. We toured Challis a bit, and spent a bit of time at the local park. Kendal was over the moon to have visitors (especially since they brought her a surprise butterfly net)! It was great to see them and I'm looking forward to more family time this summer with the Darrington and Loosle families. : D

A few other random pictures:

Kendal - "If Peter gets to be naked I should too."

Mother's day : D

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