Tuesday, May 15, 2012


- Warning long post

Kendal is 2 ½ years old today! To commemorate the occasion we decided to cut Kendal’s golden locks. I’ve always loved Kendal’s hair; she wasn’t born with much of it, but it has definitely grown into a beautiful mess of golden locks. I wasn’t really set on cutting her hair, however it has become quite unruly lately, and with my brother’s wedding coming up it was a good reason to finally trim her sweet locks. Kendal has very fine hair; it’s super hard to keep any style in for long, because it just comes apart the minute she plays, or gets into her car seat. It was a bitter sweet moment cutting her hair (no I didn’t cry). Ever since she watched me give Casey a hair cut she has been talking about it; so she was very excited that it was her turn to get a hair cut.


A few more facts about Kendal at 2 ½ years old –

            Kendal is growing into quite the independent little girl. A few things she insists on doing herself are wriggling onto the big potty (and tries to wipe herself then hurry and get off before mom and dad can catch her : / ), she has to do up her own buckle in the car seat, and she’s always saying “me do”.

 Kendal’s imagination is growing everyday. Casey and I laugh some of the things she comes up with (which I need to write them down more often). This past weekend when we were going to “Hiho” (Idaho) we were driving towards the highway, and Kendal kept saying how cute the little cars were; we realized that from a distance she thought the cars on the highway were toys, and thought they were cute. Kendal is always commenting on how things are so cute, so nice, so happy, or she loves them so much. She also asks us multiple times a day, “Mommy you happy?”  Kendal always wants to do things beyond her age, such as cut with scissors; so for things like that I tell her she has to be three or older. The other day she was in the truck with Casey and she asked him if she could drive. Casey said she had to be older and she said that she could drive when she was three.

Kendal’s favorite activities when we play inside are play dough, puzzles, and reading. Since the weather has warmed up Kendal loves being outside. She will swing at my parent’s house forever, she loves to play with chalk, bubbles, and she’s learning to ride a bike.

Kendal will eat most foods; potatoes and tough meat are still not her favorites. She is at the age though were she can get finicky about how much she will eat, and the textures of things. Some nights she’ll stuff herself silly and others we are persuading her to eat throughout the whole meal. (It’s hardest when she’s not in her own booster seat to eat, because she thinks she can get up / down throughout the meal)

Kendal is still in love with her ducky. Recently he had to go into “time-out” because she got him too dirty and I put him in the laundry. When she got him back a couple of days later, she was beyond thrilled and smothered him to pieces. She loves all of her animals; each one has a different place and meaning in her heart. She even has two bears that are her ducks parents. : D

Kendal is very good at picking up words and remembering things. Casey and I have to watch how we say things because Kendal will pick it right up and repeat things (such as my bad driving habits where I talk at other cars that aren’t driving nicely). Kendal knows her letters and were teaching her numbers and counting. She is one very smart cookie.

Kendal is in love with babies. Any baby she sees she gets her little high pitched voice and either talk to the baby, or to us about how cute the baby is. This past weekend we were up in Idaho for mother’s day, she just loved hovering over and talking to her baby cousins.  She’s very fascinated with them when they are crying, or getting changed. She was also trying to be helpful by giving loves when they were sad, or putting in their binkies to stop the noise. We are excited to introduce her to her brother soon, and know she will just love him to pieces.
pictures from this past weekend in Idaho: Kendal and David golfing, while the boy's built a sandbox, Jaxson and Hunter

1 comment:

Janalee said...

Super cute hair for a super cute girl! Its the perfect style for her little face! She is growing up to be a such a big girl so fast! Independence is hard and good at the same time! Good luck with baby #2 coming soon!