Friday, July 15, 2011

20 Month old

Today our little lady is twenty months old. I just can't say this often enough, but time does really fly by. I look back on her baby pictures and it seems like a very distant memory of those days. It's hard to remember my snugly, calm natured baby when i look at Kendal now. Kendal is growing up. She is a very active toddler. Kendal has moved to only one nap a day. However when she wakes up early some mornings she'll start whining for a morning nap around ten, but we hold off so that she'll take a good afternoon nap. Kendal spends her mornings with me at home, we either play inside or venture to one of the playgrounds nearby for some fun in the sun. Kendal loves being outside "bubbles", and "sing" (swing) are two of her favorite outside activities. Kendal either spends the afternoon with me or at my parents house. I've worked a fair amount this summer, so Kendal has had a lot of fun spending time at my parents house.
Kendal's language is expanding everyday. She's starting to combine words and make simple sentences; her favorite phrase is "Wher U at?" Kendal still enjoys reading books. One of her new loves is puzzles. Kendal has a few puzzles that get pulled out and played with on a daily basis. Our floor is constantly littered with puzzle pieces.
Kendal has decided lately to become a very picky eater. If she didn't have weight issues i wouldn't stress about this so much. However, when your doctor says up the calories, get her to eat eat eat; then she won't touch anything during a meal Casey and i are not happy. She does have her favorites though; right now she adores cheese (she will take cheese over sweets), she likes hot dogs, peanut butter, and still loves noodles.
Nursery is still a weekly battle with Kendal. She enjoys her time there, and gets along very well with the other children. However when Casey and i leave she cries and cries until she eventually throws up; so Casey or i have to come in, give BIG apologies for Kendal throwing up, and inevitably spend the rest of nursery with her. (let's just say we miss the old nursery leaders that were able to get Kendal preoccupied and happy so Casey and i could leave, sigh)
Kendal has been enjoying the summer; she's been able to spend time outside, go swimming a couple of times, has had a few picnic cook-outs, and even hammered some with Grandpa (both toy and real). So far a good summer. Kendal has more to look forward to this summer; some family reunions, Uncle Cody coming home (she almost has every family member's name down!), and moving (where to you ask, NO CLUE, we are still applying and waiting for an awesome teaching job to come along). The next few weeks ought to be great, and i know Kendal is going to have a lot of fun.

-Kendal enjoying her favorite snack CHEESE

-Kendal getting caught causing mischief

-Happy 20 months Kendal!

1 comment:

Janalee said...

she is a little cutie! she actually reminds me a lot of Brynlee at that age. I am sorry about the nursery thing, I never had that problem, but I would say, give it time she will adjust. Good luck!