Sunday, October 17, 2021

Oct update

 Little did I know that last time I wrote this I would find out two days later that I had Covid. Because my symptoms came on as a stuffy nose and soar throat with headaches I didn't put myself in a covid category (It was in the back of my mind though). Casey urged me to get a test. When I tried to get a same day test most places didn't have an appointment so I had to go in on Sat the 2nd and my results didn't come in till the following Tuesday morning. I felt so bad because I had been to work the previous week, I had done Volleyball, and even a primary activity. Needless to say my morning was full of calls, messages, and lots of apologies. Casey went and got a rapid test that morning from our PA friend - which came back negative, so with a mask he was good to work and do things normally. Because the kids are unvaccinated I had to keep them home according to the "guidelines" set by the district. The kids were so upset. None of them were sick or had symptoms. Peter missed out on school for two days, and his soccer game. Kendal missed school - which she fretted over constantly, as well as Young Women's and piano. Alice missed preschool and her field trip to Tubb's farm. Heaven was looking out for us because thankfully no one else in the house got Covid. Because I unknowingly had it my 10 day quarantine was up the day after I got my positive results back. I was still weary about the kids possibly getting it, but thankfully we started fall break on Thursday so I could monitor them without taking away school and such. My poor boss/ librarian Camille freaked out a bit and had the Library sanitized top to bottom since I had been working on a big project of moving lots of books around to different shelves. She had to deal without me for a couple of days and I felt so behind when I was back to work the following Monday. Tis life, but man it sucked. I felt horrible for unknowingly being around others with covid and all that my actions caused others to miss / do. 

The kids were stir crazy during our two day's at home. They wouldn't even go in the back yard to get energy out (Thank you neighbors that have scared Peter and intimidated Kendal into not wanting to play in the yard : / . Since fall break followed our little quarantine the kids were still stuck at home. We did a brief outing to pick pumpkins and get some fall apples from a local farmers market stand. It started to rain that night so Peter's last game was cancelled. He missed Tuesday because of quarantine (Casey went though because he's the coach, and they had their only tie of the season). So because I expected another game we never got a group pick or a good individual picture of peter : (. It also rained so much on Friday our cul-de-sac flooded and they had to bring in the city to pump out the water. 

(Peter was determined to get a huge pumpkin we told him he had to be able to carry it. He had a blast trying to pick up all of the big pumpkins.)

Saturday (9th) Kendal had her volleyball tournament. Coach Dani and I were hopeful but realistic about how things would go. The girls had a great first round and won their games - but only by a little. The second round they seemed to loose steam and confidence and we lost by a lot. It was heartbreaking to see the girls falter and loose their confidence / heart to play. They tallied up everyone's points and we ended up in last, so the girls weren't able to play in the final championship rounds. To celebrate our team / season Dani and I took the girls over to Arctic Circle for ice cream. It was an honor and a Joy to be a coach for Kendal and these girls! 

After the Volleyball tournament we jetted off to Pocatello to go to the Open house with Nicole, Jordan, and their kids. We showed up just in time to board our bus and head up to the Temple. It was a chilly and drizzly evening; thankfully our wait was minimal heading into the Temple. It was so special to be able to take the kids to the Temple. We walked through the Temple feeling peaceful and in awe of it's beauty. Alice was in awe of everything and loved the stain glass windows with flowers, the pictures, and the celestial room. I quietly explained a few of the rooms to the kids as we went along since we moved to quickly for the kids to read the signs in the rooms. Kendal loved the celestial room ("It was more peaceful than anywhere I've ever felt"). Peter liked the windows and told us that the flowers in them were the state flower the syringa. He also liked the impressive doors and chandelier in the celestial room. He liked the sealing room as well. (For fhe a couple of days later we showed the temple videos on the church website explaining some of the rooms and ordinances that take place in the Temple. It was a great way for the kids to connect more of what they saw to what happens there.)

Afterwards we headed out to Nicole and Jordan's lot to see the progress on their house build. It was so muddy, but we managed not to get to messy. They've got a big lot with a beautiful view. It'll be a great house when it's done! When we were done with the house tour we went back to their house for some soup. The kids played for just a bit then we headed to Casey's parents house for the night. Since we had family dinner on Sunday we figured we'd stay over. We went to church with Casey's parents on Sunday and got to spend the afternoon with family as siblings / cousins trickled in. 

This week has just been getting back into the grove of things. Kendal had basketball tryouts on Monday evening. Peter got to have an activity day's activity on Wednesday. They built buddy burners out of Tuna cans, cardboard, and wax. Peter was so excited for his activity, it's been delayed for over a month and he loves spending time with all of his buddies and church mates. Casey and Kendal got to go to a Straw maze that evening as well for combined YM/YW. Kendal made it through and got all her punches to get free popcorn. Casey found all but one punch so he wasn't so lucky. 

Thursday night I took Kendal to the high school volleyball games. The KYA girls were being recognized and it was senior night. It's cool to watch the older girls play and feel the school spirit and fun atmosphere! 

Friday Casey and I had to work but the kids were off of school. So Kendal watched the other two for a few hours till I got home. When I did get home the kids and I headed off to Tubb's berry farm to join some friends there. Kendal and Peter ran off to go through the maze with friends while I stayed with Alice and some friends in the other areas. We went down slides, did duck races, rode on a hay ride, a little cow ride and enjoyed playing around. The big kids came out of the maze got their popcorn and enjoyed the slides and play areas till we headed home. That evening Casey and Peter went off to the football game while the girls and I had a movie night. 

We had an easy going Saturday; our first in a while and one of our last before basketball starts. We got some shopping in before lunch since the kids seemed to be outgrowing things. After lunch the kids played the wii for a bit while I cleaned the car and Casey baked. We went and played at the school playground for a bit. Kendal practiced shooting hoops and Peter played around a bit with the basketball. It was windy so not great to play ball in. Casey and I got in a date night last night. We headed out to Texas Road house and enjoyed a yummy dinner and time with each other. I love getting time with just Casey; he's my favorite ; ). 

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