Monday, February 15, 2021

The people I love!

Casey spent the first couple of weeks of February finishing off the basketball season. He had two game nights the first week of February, and three last week. The team went to Pocatello (through a snow storm) Saturday for a state play off game. Sadly they lost though so their season is officially over.  

Peter had games the past two Saturday's. His team won both games! Peter scored a basket in the game on the 6th! Being younger and shorter on the team he doesn't often get the ball, but he does a good job when he does get it. As always he's a great defender and is enjoying his season! 

Kendal and Peter got to have a Valentines exchange at school last week! Kendal made a fox box at home and Peter drew a monkey on his bag at school. The kids still can't have traditional holiday parties at school; however they did get to exchange Valentine's and have a parent come in for some fun before school let out on Thursday. Alice loves to wear dresses so leading up to Valentines she wanted to wear her heart dress, but I kept telling her she had to wait for Valentines. Every day I would hear "Mom, is it Valentimes day yet so I can wear my heart dress?" She was thrilled when it actually was Valentimes day and she finally got to wear her dress! 

I invited Brook and Meadow to come over this past Friday afternoon. Kendal went with Casey to school in the morning and they brought the girls back with them for lunch and to play for the afternoon. Even though we haven't seen the girls for over a year it was like no time has passed. I made sugar cookies that the kids got to decorate. They had a fun afternoon together and even though it was frigid outside they played quite a bit on bikes and the climbing dome. 

We've had a rotation of movie nights this past month. The new Mulan, Hook, Harry Potter 5, and Guardians of the Galaxy. After our weekly Mandalorian / pizza nights last year we've tried to keep up the fun with a show and a pizza night on one of the weekend nights. Even though the kids initially complain about Casey and my choices for movies they usually end up loving them! 

We got loads of snow over the weekend! The kids played out in the snow Saturday. Kendal and Peter went sledding with friends Saturday afternoon as well. We celebrated Valentines day as a family. I heart attacked the kids' doors and had treats on the table along with new shirts for the girls and new basketball shorts for Peter! (My parent's were so sweet and sent the kids a Valentines package that they got last week. Alice immediately opened the paint book she got and the kids all enjoyed the treats for days! Thank you for the sweet gift Mom and Dad!) I made heart shaped toast / eggs for everyone for breakfast. We had an easy going morning together and went to church. I got to teach the YW lesson and Alice and Peter got to have primary singing time! We had a nice dinner and nice evening together. Casey spent the last couple of weeks building me a bench for the end of our bed. He did such a great job! I'm so grateful for my wonderful little family! I love them so very much!  


I took the kids swimming today at the city pool. Alice was reluctant at first but once she trusted her floaties she had the best time! She even went down the slide a bunch of times. Kendal and Peter spent a lot of time in the deep end swimming about. Kendal earned her swim pass to go to the big pool so she could go off the diving board she spent a good half hour diving! It was a fun activity for the kids on a snowy winter break! 

- Since Alice is my buddy all day every day she gets the most camera time here's the bonus pics as of late: 1- The kids playing together! 2- every day is dress up day 3- Grandma and Grandpa's package came = paint right away! 4 - Alice joined the boys and got a hair cut a couple of weeks ago. It's just a 2 in trim, but still it's only her second hair cut ever! 4 - Yogi Alice 


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