Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sports and School . . .

Our world this month is Sports and School. 

Peter has played four soccer games in the last couple of weeks. His team has won two and lost two games. Peter's games are in Twin at the First Federal park. He had a Wednesday, Saturday, Monday, and Saturday games so far with his last two this coming week. He assisted a goal in one game and made a goal yesterday! Peter is enjoying his season and improving with each game. We love his drive and willingness to get in the game! It's fun to see him with his buddies and enjoying something they all love!

Kendal has had Volleyball games this past two Saturday's as well. Fortunately her games were in the morning here at the middle school with Peter's following so we could make both the past two weekends. Kendal's first games were a bit tough only winning one that day. Yesterday her team won four out of five games though! She got a lot of serves over and played some great games! Her team is improving on serves and communication. With Kendal's practices on Monday and Wednesday's we've had to miss those games of Pete's. Alice has joined us as well at Volleyball practice on Peter's game nights. She's definitely not much help tossing balls onto the court and finding hand sanitizer stations to slather herself in. She's also left to the aid of other's (friends) till we've gotten to Peter's soccer games the last two weeks. Kendal also added to her long week this past week by trying out for the traveling Vipers team. She put her all in and Casey was impressed with her skills. Ultimately she wasn't picked for the team, but we're so proud of her for going out for this and working hard! 

Last Friday was homecoming for Kimberly. There was a parade in the afternoon. I took Alice out to watch the parade; unfortunately she got stung by a wasp and we had to rush home for a band aid. Poor girl was pretty upset, but didn't want to miss the parade. We ran back up the street and watched the parade go by as Alice covered her ears and moaned about her hand. Peter and Kendal were across the road with their classes enjoying the parade! Poor Alice's hand swelled up. We had to give her allergy medicine for a couple of days to help with her hand.  That night we sent Casey off to the football game and I took the kids to a friends house for a movie night. The kids enjoyed watching Matilda and gorged on treats while the adults chatted away. It's so nice to have awesome friends around! 

Last Saturday after Peter's game we headed out for a Subway lunch and made our way to our favorite orchard to pick apples. We came home and canned a bunch of apple sauce the rest of the day. It's a good thing I don't can a ton because it was near impossible to find canning supplies this year. (There's still many shortages in the grocery stores and life (cars, construction, appliances, etc.) that the ripple effect from all of the shut downs is affecting. Crazy times - Is 2020 over yet?!?

Alice's enthusiasm for preschool is still going strong. She's always eager and willing to learn and do her work book. We've done some letters and worked on letter recognition, a bit with numbers, learning to spell her name, some crafts, and shapes. We've done a bit of work on education apps which she loves; I try not to do to much because I'm not huge on screen time. (I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting - because she wants to do everything - but I can't think of it off the top of my head.)

Alice and I had our first day back "helping" at the library this past week. Instead of helping with classes I am cleaning books that have been "quarantined" and shelving them. It's amazing how gross the books actually were. Alice was in heaven finding princess books and Fancy Nancy books to enjoy. 

Jemma joins us a couple of times a week. I don't do preschool when she's here; however we pull out fun things like play dough, and coloring to enjoy. The girls are getting better at playing together and occupying themselves while I cook or clean something. They get along for the most part with the occasional disagreements and tifts. They love playing barbies, Legos, and with the play kitchen together the most. We've even ventured out to the park a bit (even with the smoke) to get wiggles out and away from neighbors. 

We had our first remote Friday a couple of days ago. (We have had short weeks leading up to now so we haven't had one yet.) Peter was up and ready to get going at 7:30. I was annoyed at first, but actually grateful he was willing. However his willingness and motivation turned into an all day long saga to finish what we needed to do. It didn't help that our internet shut off for a little over two hours and when we did have internet we were working around one device and another that couldn't do everything we needed to do. I was honestly frustrated more than needed and it was just a long day of pushing. We kicked the kids out for an hour to play with friends while I reset and sent Casey and Alice out for pizza. We ended our night on a better note having a pizza night and watching the non animated 101 Dalmatians movie. 

After 3.5 years as the ward clerk Casey was released from his calling today. He was called right away to be a tech specialist to help with sacrament meeting broadcasts in the coming weeks / months. Casey and I also gave talks today in church. I got to speak about Forgiving and Forgetting. I loved diving into my talk by Elder Holland. I love his wisdom and light on most things. I'm grateful for the Saviors atonement that fixes our lives and helps us heal and move on. I also related how this time of year (fall) is the perfect time to look to nature. The beauty that comes from the changing tree's and how they let their leaves go - showing us the importance of change and letting go! Casey talked about the importance of history and keeping our histories (especially spiritual histories) recorded and important in our lives. I'm so grateful for our gospel and the light it gives us! 

Bonus pictures: Smoky days - first the Califorinia fires then our own in the south hills have us surrounded and wishing for our sunshine and blue skies back! Pumpkin roll - Casey whipped up a pumpkin roll last week (sooo yummy!) Our sweet trio - Gotta love these three! 


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