Monday, September 7, 2020

Back to school

Back in January we made a goal to read 100 chapter books this year. Last month we completed our goal!! We got the kids popsicles to celebrate! Each color represents someone in our family. Casey was orange, I was Green, Kendal was pink / red, Peter was blue / purple. There are a couple multi color books that we read as a family so even Alice is included in those. It was a fun goal to make and definitely fueled reading for Casey and I - but so did Covid / being stuck at home ; ). 

The kids started school on August 26th! Kendal and Peter were thrilled to be going back to school! (not going to lie - I was thrilled also!) Peter has Mrs. Hedden and is enjoying her class so far. He doesn't say a lot about his day, but what we do hear is positive. He's found buddies to play with and other than his wish for more mask breaks he's doing good. Kendal has endless things to share when she comes home. She loves Mrs. Reed and is loving her time at school! She's not letting her mask get her down and is happy with all things school! Alice was eager to start Preschool with me! Her goals were to "Sing her ABC's", "read", and "drawing". We have a little work book that she loves to do and I've done letters, games, art, and little learning apps with her. She loves it all and probably wishes I did more. I can't say how grateful I am that the kids are back in school. We needed this - a six month break of school, routine, friends, normal life, was hard on us all. Casey is happy to be back as well. His team and the 7th graders are adjusting to a new building / schedule / routine. Besides some internet issues slowing his plans down, he's had a good start to the school year. 


Last Saturday Casey took Kendal and Peter to do a project at the high school. Mr Welch designed a desk divider and Brother Mickelson (over Sleep in Heavenly Peace charity) helped organize the build. Kendal and Peter worked on building frames from PVC. Kendal wanted to do it herself, and Peter wanted to help everyone - but ended up helping Casey's principal the most. I was proud of their willingness to help and hard work they put in. The group ended up building 300 frames that have been divided among the schools. Peter happily has one by his desk so he can have more frequent mask breaks! 

That same afternoon we went out to Raft River. We got the call from Cheryl that the corn was ready - and when it's ready you either go and do or go without. We left Alice with grandma and dared enter the jungle of corn (it wasn't planted straight). We picked a handful of bags of corn, and then went back to get it done. Cheryl and Kenny were amazing and after doing their own that morning they helped us put up ours. We made out with a little over 140 bags and shared some with Brett and Terry. It was a short visit, but a productive one! 

We get Jemma a couple of days a week. Alice and Jemma are doing more together and getting along better. 

Both Kendal and Peter have started practices for volleyball and soccer. Both are enjoying their practices and will start their games this week! 

We had school off this past Friday. I had my last YW summer send off and I took my group to Nat Soo Pa to swim in the afternoon. That evening Casey and Peter had soccer practice while Kendal went to a friends for a movie night. Once home Peter, Alice, and I watched the movie Bolt, while Casey went to the football game. Picture is a friends picnic they had that day at the Bingham's house.

Saturday morning we shot down to Logan to celebrate my Dad's birthday! The kids got to go ride four wheelers at the shop after lunch and we had a yummy hobo dinner and cake with cousins in my parents backyard. Sunday we had our lesson and sacrament in the morning and went to visit Nana after lunch. We ate dinner back at my parents and the kids played around the house together! I got to go back with dinner and spend more time with Nana. We had a yummy breakfast this morning and then headed home so the kids could attend Becca's birthday party and I was able to get laundry done before I have Jemma for 2 days. We were happy to go to Logan, even though the visit was short it's always nice to see family! (No pictures from the weekend - sorry - just having to much fun I guess ; ). 

Bonus pictures of Alice - She really wanted pretty nails like Jemma so one afternoon while I was busy with the other kids she snuck off and painted her own nails. Didn't do to bad of a job (at least she spared the toilet this time). Second pic - she had finished a card to Grandpa for his birthday and wrote her name all on her own on the back. We were proud of her (especially since I've never practiced writing our last name) - this shot is her reaction (which she held for a good minute) at being praised for her good work. 

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