Monday, February 24, 2020

Mid Feb happenings

The kids celebrated the 100th day of school on Tuesday the 11th. They got to dress up like superheros that day for school. Peter wanted to wear a cape and be Super Peter. Kendal didn't care either way so I made her a symbol with a unicorn that she happily wore.

Peter got to go to his Primary activity that week. His group made Valentines cookies and talked about goals. I had to ditch the kids for YW's that night while Casey was at Districts.

As a family we finished the Book of Mormon earlier this month!! We've been reading since just before Alice was born. We started out with only a few verses a day and eventually grew to one page a day this past year. We wanted to celebrate so we took the kids out to Blaze pizza on the 13th! The kids got to create their own pizza's and were thrilled with a night out! We ended the evening with some delicious Gelato ice cream! (that Casey had bought me for Valentines day, but I gave it up to the family.)
I heart attacked the kids' doors for Valentines day and made some treats for them! Casey and I exchanged our gifts and cards in the morning as well. That afternoon Alice and I went to help at the school. First we helped in the Library. Alice spent the whole hour on the couch "reading" Clifford books. After the Library we went over to Peter's class to help with his class party. I played the valentines version of 'don't eat Pete' with the kids. Alice kept stealing hand fulls of M&M's while the kids enjoyed the game. The kids devoured endless treats when we got home.

This past Thursday I took the kids and our little neighbor to CSI for a basketball game. The kids reached their reading goals and got to go to a game and be recognized with their school before the Men's basketball game. The kids were so excited and beaming with pride with their buddies. Alice was a bit of a handful and didn't want to stay put. Since the game was later we only stayed till half time. CSI played USU eastern (They beat them pretty badly, booo).

The High School girls finished second in Districts the second week of February. It was our districts turn to let two teams go to state so Casey left on Thursday for a few days up to Boise for State this past week. The team played their best but came up short in both of their Thursday and Friday games so they were out. Casey would've happily stayed for more games Saturday, however he was stuck riding the bus home and had to go when the bus driver wanted on Saturday morning. So basketball is officially over for this season!! Casey starts track in a few weeks, but I'm just going to not think about that right now ; )

A couple of my friends and I decided to do a babysitting rotation so that we could go to the Temple once a week. I've gotten to go the last two weeks. While I was only able to do inititories it's been nice to have intention and go to the Temple!

Kendal has been part of a little youth ward choir this past month. She loves going and is enjoying singing and learning with her buddies. Yesterday they sang a beautiful song called the Tree of Life. She'll sing another in a couple of weeks when we have our ward conference.

Can't forget little Alice. This girl cracks me up everyday, yet she's getting a strong stubborn side with a bit of attitude (such is toddler hood). She dresses up all day everyday, loves to play with her little characters and have endless books read to her. She's picking up on her ABC's and loves to sing it (along with other songs) all the time.

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