Monday, February 10, 2020

Busy but Good!

The last week of January was packed! Tuesday after school we had parent teachers for the kids. Kendal is getting all A's and good marks in her school work. Her teacher had nothing but praises for her as a Student! Peter had great marks (they don't give letter grades till 4th -5th)! His teacher is very happy with his progress in school this year. Her only minus was he could focus a bit better and try a bit more to add to his writing and work on penmanship. Peter's teacher often posts pictures of the kids!
Tuesday night I needed to help the youth at the Bishops store house and Casey had his last season game in Declo. So the kids were on their own. With me in YW's and Casey a coach, we've decided this season to let Kendal take on some more responsibility and watch the other two while we're gone. (Having them join youth activities was a disaster.) We've left a phone or tablet every time and the kids do great (aka - they watch tv). That Tuesday night however they'd lost TV privileges. I was happy to find toys picked up, kids ready for bed, and Kendal reading to them when I got home I had to be gone again the next night for Stake Standards night. (Thankfully Casey was home then.)
Thanks to parent teacher conferences the kids had Friday off of school. Kendal had an orthodontist check up early in the afternoon. No braces for a while, just checking on her progress after her teeth were pulled last summer. Afterwards I took the kids to get their ice cream rewards that we've saved since their Dec. dentist visits. From there it was a back and forth in and out of Twin for Peter's and Kendal's basketball practices.
Saturday Feb. 1st was basketball day! Peter had his game at 9! Kenny and Cheryl came up to support grandkids that day! Peter played hard and got in their well, however his team was out-rebounded and ended up loosing.

Kendal's tournament was also that day. Her team played Filer; It was a tough loss, but the team just couldn't pull through in the end so they were out. Kendal's team didn't dominate by any means this year, but they had some good wins and many learning experiences. She had a fun season and grew so much in her skills (now to work on confidence with it!)

That afternoon we played away at home while Casey went to games at the High School.

This past week was another packed week. Monday Casey was gone to his District games, and he was gone again Wednesday when I had YW's so the kids were on their own again. Peter had his reading group Tuesday and Thursday. Peter had his last practice Monday and had to skip his second because it overlapped reading group on Thursday. Kendal's new piano lessons are on Wednesday's as well as the kids primary activities. So she went to piano, then awhile later off to primary. Her group got to go heart attack ward members! Afterwards I had to run her home and run myself off to Young Women's. Thursday evening Kendal had her end of the year basketball party. The team met up at Pizza Pie cafe and then went to Gemstone climbing. Kendal had a great time! Casey had a work conference Friday after school and all of Saturday. Saturday was Peter's last game of the season. He got in there and did his best. They had a high scoring game, but still came out short of a win.

We came home form basketball to an early Valentines package from Grandma and Grandpa Loosle. The kids were in no mood to wait and tore into the package. They loved their package - thank you Mom and Dad! Kendal and Peter got to run off that afternoon to play with friends in Ballards way while Alice napped and played with me at home.  That night Casey and I got to go to the adult session of Stake Conference - thanks to Kendal watching (the TV babysitting ; ) the kids again.
Yesterday we went out to Raft River for a family dinner. It's nice see everyone more often and the kids love the extra cousin time!

I can't forget Alice, while her days aren't full of things to do and places to be we still do our thing. We play, read, sing, watch / play with Jemma, etc. She's a trooper going to all of brother and sisters happenings and going with the flow. I love how her humor and knowledge is growing every day. She's also getting a bit of sass to her but that comes with toddler hood!

Now that the kids are done with basketball our schedule has relaxed a little bit (only two more weeks till Casey is done - districts this week - state next week). We still seem to have full days, but that's how life is right now. Busy but good.

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