Friday, June 1, 2018

School's out let's party!


The kids finished up their swim lessons last week. Both were so brave, and gave it their all this year. Kendal progressed with her stokes, treading, and distances swam, and worked so hard. Pete's fears seemed to dissolve this year and was so brave in swim lessons. He was willing to try and do! He progressed with swimming, floating, and getting the basics down. I'm just so proud of these two and the growth they had this year. (Also couldn't resist a picture of Alice sporting her accessory of the day, big sisters swim goggles.)
Casey got to go fishing for hobby day this year. He even found a bit of time to catch a few fish!
Casey had a Nerf  gun war with the kids a couple of Saturday's ago. They had a blast running around the back yard playing. I love this sight below. Casey and I have been more conscience of using or devices around the kids. Kendal tends to read at breakfast, and Casey's been joining her in their breakfast book devouring.

Peter had a couple of field trips the week before school got out. He went to Windsor nursery and brought home a pumpkin seed he planted. He also got to go to First Federal park east lunch and play for his last Friday of school. He played hard and feel asleep on the bus home.
Kendal had her piano recital last Friday. Aunt Vanessa had been awesome and taught Kendal this year. David, Becca, and Kendal each played two pieces they'd memorized. They all did great! Kendal has really enjoyed piano this year and has grown and learned so much. Alice and James gave an encore performance where they played then clapped over and over again!

I took time to go to the temple last weekend. While I was gone Casey took the kids out for some fun. They went to pizza hut to get their last book it pizzas from their reading program. Afterwards they went out to the canyon rim to walk the new path that leads to the Evil keneivel jump site. It was a nice day and a good walk. They ended their fun getting  volcano drinks from the soda shop that they earned at school.


We had a low key memorial day. Just hung out, played games, and took it easy. Instead of visiting graves we chose to share stories of our grandparents with the kids. It was nice to share and reminisce about our sweet memories.
Peter had his last day of school Tuesday. They had a field day with rotating games. Alice and I joined Peter and got to go around with his little group playing games. At the end of the school day they had a summer birthday party. Peter and a group of kids got to be sang to and pass out special snacks. He gave hugs and thanks to his teacher and helpers. Mrs. Makings gave praises for Peter's work this year and enjoyed having Peter in her class. Peter had a good year, while he had some anxieties surface this spring overall his year was good and he ended on a good note which is huge.


Kendal got to go to some reading parties the last couple of weeks of school. One was for points reached in her AR reading goal. The kids got to have a carnival at the high school. She also reached her bonus honors goal (which not many do) and got to have a root beer float party. Then she had yet another party for getting above 100 on AR chart where they had ice cream. She was the top reader in her class all but one month during the school year, and has high goals for her summer reading. Her teacher Mrs. Saxton has had nothing but good things to say about Kendal, her sweet personality, how smart she is, and how great she's been to have. Tuesday the second graders got to have a picnic at the park. Wednesday was Kendal's last day. They had a partial field day till it rained, then played in their classroom. She was so sad to leave her friends, her great teacher, and a wonderful year.

Can't forget this sweet squirt. I love her little personality. She talks all day long (She even talks with her hands sometimes) and loves to explore. It's so fun to watch her grow, she's going to love this summer with brother and sister around to be playmates all day! 


Casey ended his school year with a rainy trip to Nat su Pa Thursday, and he's got a work day today. I'm currently in Utah with my parents while my mom is getting tests done to figure out her path to help with seizures. I dropped the kids off to play at Grandma Darrington's for a couple of days. 

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