Sunday, March 11, 2018

Olympics, life, Seuss, spring?

With the Olympics going on a few weeks ago we decided to fill a few evenings with Daddy home and do our own family Olympics.
Our first evening the kids did action figure skating. They danced around with a Barbie and Super Man; and both came out with gold. We also did a biathlon that night. We had to shoot Nerf guns and run a "course". I won Gold with the fastest time, Casey won Silver, Kendal won Bronze. Peter 4th.
The next night we did curling; where we tossed balls towards a target. I took Gold, Kendal took Silver, and Peter got Bronze. Casey was last. The kids were wanting more so we made up some more games for the next day (Saturday). We used Peter's car track to do the luge and 2 man bobsled with cars and mini figures. We all accomplished our goal in the luge (hitting the wall). In the bobsled Kendal got gold, Peter got silver, and Alice's car got Bronze. We did the a ski jump where we shot paper guys off of a straw. Casey won Gold, Peter won Silver, and Kendal won Bronze. Last we did a speed skating relay. Casey holding Alice plus Peter against Kendal and I. We slid around the living room on paper plates. Casey, Peter, and Alice took Gold. Kendal and I received  Silver. I baked doughnuts as our medals. It was fun to do all of these events together. Peter was pretty upset the actual Olympics were ending the next day, but we assured him they'll come again.
Final medal tally
Alice, 1 gold, 1 bronze
Peter, 2 gold, 2 silver, 1 bronze
Kendal, 2 gold, 2 silver, 2 bronze
Mom, 2 gold, 2 silver
Dad, 2 gold, 1 silver

Our days flow together lately. Kendal is off to school early and her afternoons are filled with homework, reading, chores, piano, and most days she tries to squeeze in some play time outside with Peter and neighbor Echo. Peter is up with Kendal in the mornings, but he gets to hang out with Alice and me till kindergarten. We play,  get homework done, and do chores, then we have an early lunch so Peter can get off to school by noon.
Alice gets a few hours with just mommy in the early afternoon. We play, read, and do whatever we want. Once or twice a week we head out on errands / grocery shopping. Then we get some magical time where Alice naps in a quiet house and I can attack some cleaning jobs and get stuff done (with the occasional lazy time to myself). Alice loves to wear things around get neck (necklaces, Wii cords, belts, jump ropes, lanyards, etc.) and get into things lately (toilet, garbage, under beds, cupboards, boxes, nothing is safe anymore). She's also learned to fold her arms. 💜

The kids had Dr. Seuss week this week. I was lame and didn't get any pictures of them,  however I can say what they did. Monday they wore bow ties to school. Alice also sported one that day. (Picture below, she's easier th capture ; ) Tuesday was twin day and They wore their Kimberly bulldog shirts. Wednesday Kendal wore her clothes backwards with her hair made into a bow for wacky day. Peter had school off so we hit up story time at the library for their Dr. Seuss birthday party. With games and cookies as a bonus! Thursday they wore green and Friday the wore sweats for read ins at school. Kendal did a book report on 'Oh the places you'll go' at school. She also finished her latest AR goal for reading and  is continuing to earn honors in reading.

Casey's back to coaching tomorrow so he took Kendal and Peter out for some quality time Friday. They went and watched the FFA fundraiser of donkey basketball. Casey just got to be a spectator this time and Peter even pet and sat on a donkey (even if it was just ten seconds : ).

My sweet Nana has been in the hospital with pneumonia. She's slowly on the mend and we really hope she continues to get better. I'm so lucky my kids have her. We love her so much! It would have been papas 88th birthday on Friday. I reminisced with the kids about my memories of Papa and Nana and we took them out for ice cream to celebrate him.
We're crossing our fingers snow is on its way out and the temperatures continue to warm up. Looking forward to  sunshine, spring break, Easter, and  family time in the coming weeks. 

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