Friday, August 25, 2017

Summer wrap up

We've done our best to add some fun before the kids head back to school next week. Casey went fishing with Brett on Thursday the tenth; he caught a couple of fish, and had a nice break for the day. That evening we went out and picked peaches at Northview. It was a quick pick because the orchard was closing early; so we grabbed what we could in ten minutes and left. I canned some peaches and made peach jam that evening. We finished our back to school shopping that night and then went for a couple of things this week (note to self - never save back to school shopping till August - options were low : /
That Friday we took the kids swimming to Nat Soo Pah. The kids and I have never been and we haven't gone swimming enough as a family this summer so we decided to go and enjoy the sunny afternoon. There was a slide that both the kids loved, and Kendal enjoyed the diving boards. Alice lasted a while before she needed to be fed and rest. It was a nice afternoon to enjoy some family time.

Sunday the 13th Peter begged to have a picnic outside. Casey was awesome and cooked up some potato salad, fried chicken, and cereal bars to enjoy!

Last week Kendal and Peter had earned a kids pizza meal as a reading reward from the Library so Casey took them out to eat for lunch one day and then to do one last free summer bowling.
Casey has had a lot of football since we came home from Logan. First with camps and now practice. He's working with a lot of new coaches on the middle school teams (aka football crazed dad's who get to coach their sons now - insert eye rolling and sighing).  He also started back to work last Thursday.
Last Friday afternoon we headed out to Raft River to do corn. We went out and picked the corn that evening. (Usually we husk them soon after we pick, but our motivation was lax so we saved it till Saturday) So the next morning we husked, cooked, cut, and bagged well over 100 bags of corn which is roughly 500 plus ears of corn. Besides Alice and James the kids are at wonderful ages to go play / entertain themselves. They happily played the day away and enjoyed cousin time! They even got to run through the sprinklers in their clothes and dug motes and pits in the giant sandbox. Alice was a trouper to hang out in the pack n play outside and deal with busy coming and goings and distracted Mama inside. (Unfortunately she and I had tummy / neither regions issues thanks to my antibiotics that made for an off day /week.) We ended with a wonderful meal together and headed home for a good nights sleep.
Monday was the Eclipse. We toyed with the idea of going to see the "total" eclipse; but  because we didn't have a concrete plan and Casey had football practice early in the afternoon we decided to stay home. We made pin hole viewers and "doughnuts" with the kids to enjoy. It was fun tracking the progress of the eclipse and the kids enjoyed the experience. Peter was sad when our "totality" was over and wanted us to control the sun and make it last longer.

We've hit up a couple of parks and the kids have had plenty of outside play these past couple of weeks. Outside time = lots of dirt digging and messy kids, and wonderful imaginative play with neighbors. We're soaking up our last bits of summer and freedom before we're bound by schedules and to do's.

This summer. . . 
Kendal has turned into a voracious reader this summer. She found a bunch of fairy chapter books she's in love with. She can read each chapter book in a little over an hour so she's devoured them one by one and has read around forty of them this summer. Kendal has thrived on our Summer to do list and completes her tasks fairly well. She loves having things planned out and likes to get privileges, or extra fun activities when tasks are completed. She's been pretty good about including Peter in her play with neighbor friends. They can disagree, push buttons, and argue like any pair of siblings, but overall they play very well together. Kendal still sMother's Alice and loves to offer her help diapering, feeding, her whenever we let her. Kendal is eager to start her school year. She will have Mrs. Saxton in second grade. She has her twin buddies Brooke and Meddow from her first grade class with her again. Kendal will also be starting piano lessons this year with Aunt Vanessa! She's excited to learn and I know she'll love it!

Peter -
While completing his daily to do's haven't been his favorite, he has done them this summer. He's going through a good stubborn phase this summer where he wants to listen less and act out more. We realize it's hard being wedged in the middle between knows it all, can "do it all" big sister, and gets what she wants / has a lot of attention (in his eyes) baby sister. I think he's a bit lost in the middle so some days so he acts out at one or both of his sisters. Either excessively bugging them, being a bit over the top with Alice, or not acting his age. He's still gets the best giggles out of Alice, he just doesn't know when to reign in the energy and can be a bit much with her. We're doing our best some days and failing others, but were trying to work with him more and give him more opportunities to shine and have positive experiences.We've signed him up for soccer this fall. We know he'll enjoy it; it will be a good outlet for him and it's an experience that's just his to enjoy and try out! He's nervous, yet excited to start Kindergarten. He'll have Mrs. Makings! ("The nice lady who's stamped our hands at football and basketball games" for the last four years") He's going to do great in Kindergarten; the routine of things will be great, he'll be around kids his own age, and he's usually great with others teaching him!

Alice -
Alice has grown so much this summer. From starting foods to learning to sit on her own, rolling everywhere, now making scoots forward (sometimes backwards ; ) all over the room to get what she wants. Nothings safe and she wants it all! She's in love with food, however she's kind of slacked off and isn't as interested in Nursing. She still loves to grab her feet and suck on her toes. She goes all over the bed at night and unfortunately still isn't sleeping through the night. (I'm just not up to torturing three different sets of neighbors and myself to let her cry it out and learn to sleep through the night. I've given in too much and this is the punishment I get.) She's a definite Mama's girl which for the most part I don't' mind - till I'm the only one she'll calm down for or my arm is dead from her heavy little load. She has the sweetest girly babble and it's fun when she goes off "talking" for a while.

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