Wednesday, August 9, 2017

End of July - Logan visist

A few weeks ago Casey and I celebrated our 11th Anniversary! We chose to do eleven acts of service during that week. The kids' favorites were putting away random grocery carts, boys vs girls pick up trash at the park (the boys won), and making treats to take to the primary president. On our Anniversary we had a relaxed morning at home. After lunch we went to the park to pick up trash, then we ran an errand over to Burley that took longer than expected so we got pre-dinner snow cones and picked up take n bake pizza to enjoy at home that night. Casey took Kendal and Peter bowling that week as a thank you for helping with the service. Casey and I had an at home date night Friday where we had a mini pie contest. (Winner's mini pie would be made into the big pie verson for the Stake pioneer dinner the next night) I made a coconut cream pie and Casey made a rich chocolate with meringue pie. His looked amazing and was super rich, but mine won the easy category so that's what I made the next day. Casey helped Brett and Vanessa build their shed that Saturday and then he joined the kids and I at the park for the stake activity. Kendal and Peter happily played with friends and on the bouncy slide / house.
I am married to an amazing man! I am lucky to be in love with my best friend and luckier we have eternity to enjoy together!

Sunday the 23rd we made our way to Logan to spend two weeks with family / working. (I'll try to write about all I can -mostly highlights; however I'm sure I'll miss some things.)
On the 24th we went up to the parade in North Logan. The kids enjoyed the people, princesses, and gobs of candy thrown our way. Alice got to meet her great Aunt Bonnie! Following the parade we went to the park for some fun. The kids got animal balloons (Kendal a duck, Peter a monkey, Elliot a monkey), played some pioneer / old fashioned games, and went down a giant bounce slide. We went out for lunch at Pizza pie cafe and then the kids all got to play in the kiddie pool at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Tuesday was low key, just playing at Grandma's house. We took a little walk around the Research Pond  and fed / scared the ducks there.
Wednesday we went out to Nana's for a while. Since the boys are working on homes in the subdivision next to Nana's we saw them also. Peter decided to sit on the sidewalk and eat his lunch while watching the boys pour cement. Kendal and Peter even got to work with Grandpa tying up rebar and Uncle Eric gave them a ride in the Backhoe.
Thursday I took the kids to the Elk Ridge park in the morning. There was a splash pad there so I let them go in clothes and all. There was even a water slide going from some local lacrosse teams practice. The kids had so much fun! Unfortunately when the fun needed to be done, and Alice really needed to go to eat and nap it was a struggle to get them to leave so when we got back to Grandma's the kids had to eat lunch and play outside for a while till they dried off. That night I took the kids out; we grabbed some yummy doughnuts and went for a walk around the temple grounds. We talked about Casey and I getting married eleven years ago and Kendal and Peter rolled down the temple hill like I did on my wedding day. We saw a couple getting their pre wedding shots and two girls getting their baptism pictures done; (Kendal's baptism excitement continues to grow!)

Friday night we went up to the the Preston Rodeo Parade. On our way up we stopped at Pepperidge Farms for some fish and cookies! We had a bit of pizza before the parade started and the kids got more treats to enjoy! Thankfully Peter wasn't terrified of the horses this time, however there was one that trotted over as the rider handed Kendal a treat Peter bolted back where Casey and I were sitting.
Saturday morning the boys poured cement. After lunch we made our way down to the Ogden dinosaur park. We spent the first while outside exploring the paths and looking at the dinosaur replicas. Peter's favorite was the huge T-Rex and Kendal liked some prehistoric bird she thought looked like a penguin. Alice happily strolled along with us. My parents and Kathrine joined up with us for the last bit outside. Then we went into the building to see some fossils and other displays. The kids thought it was cool that there were guys there drilling away rock from some fossils. We took refuge in the Air Conditioned space for a while then let the kids play on the Dino playground till it was time to go. That evening we made our way to Farmington join my Ernstrom cousins for a dinner. It was nice to catch up and see some family we haven't seen in a few years.
Sunday we went to church at my parents ward. Alice was a chatterbox almost the whole time. Since it was a fifth Sunday they had a combined meeting the last hour which was a parenting Q and A. It was neat to hear from many people that taught, coached, mentored, and influenced my life sharing advice and knowledge. The kids happily enjoyed Popsicle's that the ward was giving out afterwards. David and Anica had us up to their home that evening for dinner. The kids happily played away the evening.
During our second week in Logan I decided to redo my parents front door. I spent a couple of days scraping then painting the metal door. I'll just say it ended up being more than I bargained for, I still hurt, but the end is one good looking door so it's all good.
 (Decided pictures of cute kids are better than the messed up / restored door)
The kids sadly had to say goodbye to Auntie Katheirne as she went back to work Tuesday of that week. Tuesday night we ate a picnic dinner at Adams park. The kids loved digging around in the volleyball pit!
We did a round two at the park and splash pad with Elliot and Anica on Wednesday. Kendal and Peter happily played between the playground and splash pad. There was some work being done at the park so Elliot happily sat and watched the dirt being loaded into the dump truck.
 Alice had a kick of Allergies this week and wasn't herself. It may have been mixed with a cold, who knows.
Thursday we took lunch out to Nana and the boys. The kids happily played with the vintage playschool toys and then we picked out Twas the Night before Christmas books that they'll inherit from Nana someday.The kids got to end at the job site again with the boys, enjoying the dirt, and getting in on the action.
Friday the boys quit a bit early and we took the kids bowling. Kendal did her usual dance the ball down the lane. Peter decided to stop using the ramp and spun around / tossed the ball down the lane. Elliot loved to bowl, but hated when his turn was up or when his Mom had to bowl. It was an off day for all of the adults and Peter ended up with the high score for the day! We let the kids play a few arcade games afterwards.We took some dinner out to Nana's and enjoyed seeing her that night.
The boys poured cement Saturday morning. So we headed home after lunch. We made a stop in Raft River to see Casey's parents. We ended up enjoying the afternoon at their house and getting fed dinner before we trudged off home. As always it was a trip full of late nights, plenty of sweets, loads of love, and memories made. We were happy to come home to our own beds though ; ) Unfortunately I came down with Mastitis and since the wee hours of Sunday morning and continuing into the week I've had a really horrible few days so thus my lack of writing sooner.

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