Sunday, November 27, 2016


Kendal had her second basketball game on the 19th. She had a fun time and her team won! The few experienced second graders on Kendal's team tend to dominate the court, but Kendal does great defending and is happy whenever she can get the ball.
Casey had games Tuesday night at Canyon Ridge. His team won their game too!
Kendal's game / Peter and Becca's thanksgiving craft
Wednesday morning we headed down to Logan to spend Thanksgiving break with my family. After lunch the kids went with Casey and Grandpa to the shop. They got to ride on the backhoe while Casey changed the oil in the car. We had an afternoon playing at my parents then we got to have David, Anica, and Elliot over for dinner.
We spent Thanksgiving morning baking in the kitchen, making delicious additions for our dinner. Dinner was held out at Nana's this year. It was nice to see family I haven't seen in a while and spend quality time together. Kendal had so much fun playing around with cousins (Campbell, Emma, Hailey, etc.) Peter followed them around and teased Uncle Tony (Silly Man) who was calling him Fred the whole night.

Friday morning we did some shopping in the morning. We went late enough we avoided major crowds, and only hit a few places. After lunch the kids and I went to see David's house and "help" out. The kids got to putty, haul some wood, hammer rocks (?; ) and wood, and sweep up a bit. Eric, Patty, and their boys / wives came out and we caught up with them. Casey went to an early movie with David to see Dr. Strange. We spent the evening playing games at my parents house.
Aunt Katherine bought this for holiday chocolates! Peter was loving it!
Saturday Casey, my mom and I went to a few places to shop some deals while the kids watched Polar Express with Aunt Katherine and Grandpa. We met up with the kids and Katherine out at Nana's for lunch. Billie and her crew showed up also. The adults spent the afternoon setting up Christmas and helping Nana out, while The kids happily played all over the house. Both the kids got to hold Billie's sweet baby girl. Peter was just enamored with her and Kendal was thrilled to hold her, but it didn't last long because sweet Maggie was ready to eat / nap. I even got a few snuggles and smiles (making me excited . . . 7 more weeks!)
After dinner at my parents we headed back home. Today Casey had to speak in Sacrament and teach classes in church today. I love the attitude of gratitude that comes with Thanksgiving and the opportunity to be around family. (Let's face it I adore the rolls and pie too : )
Today we put up our Christmas. The kids loved getting out their ornaments that represent each year of their life. They did a great job decorating the tree and spent hours after reading the Christmas books and playing with the nativities. I love this time of year, and have learned to keep our home focused on Christ, service, and love that comes with the Christmas season.

All I want for Christmas is . . .
With a little push to get the deed done, Kendal pulled for a few minutes and finally got her other front tooth out today!

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