Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Kendal is 7!

Kendal turned seven yesterday! Kendal has been wanting earrings for a while; we finally agreed this summer that if she showed more responsibility she could get her ears pierced for her birthday. She's been anticipating this for so long and was so excited. We opted to go last Friday since there was no school and because we knew her birthday would be busy. I thought we'd prepped Kendal for what would happen, but it took twenty minutes for her to calm down and allow the woman to pierce her ears. She picked her birthstone topaz and has proudly showed them off since.
As was told in the previous post we had family throughout the weekend to celebrate her birthday. On her birthday she got to open a couple of gifts during breakfast. We gave her some American Girl accessories / food for her doll. I sent her off to school with a pack of brownies to share with her class too. Peter and I picked Kendal up from school she showed off her cards from her classmates and then did a few turns on the Monkey bars for me. Kendal and Peter had a cupcake after school and she did a bit of homework before we headed over to watch Casey's first home game. The kids happily played around on the bleachers and "watched" the game till we had to scoot over to Kendal's own basketball practice. After practice the kids and I headed over to Arctic Circle for a birthday dinner. Then we dropped off a burger to Casey and went home to bed. It was a full day, but a very good day. (Thank you family for calls and birthday wishes!)

Kendal is still our smart little lady. She's quick to pick up on things and enjoys school. She's reading third to fourth level books, and math is one of her favorite subjects. Kendal loves to be creative, she requests painting or craft projects regularly. She also likes science and wishes I would let her "experiment" more.
Kendal is still our social butterfly and can talk your ear off anytime anywhere. She's super friendly and makes friends with everyone she meets. She's very affectionate, she loves to love and we are always showered with kisses, compliments, and hugs. Overall Kendal has a very loving, sweet temperament. She's not one to throw fits or go nuts, she can have rare melt downs when she's very tired over random things like not getting a song at bedtime or a toy breaking. Lately she is into questioning Casey and I a lot. She likes to continue to question fishing for an answer or just not wishing to believe what we say.
Kendal is so excited to welcome a baby sister in a couple of months. She talks to the baby a lot and gushes over how cute she'll be. Kendal takes the oldest sibling job seriously, she likes to be in charge and while she could be a better example for her brother she does fairly well.

Kendal's birthday questions:
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Toys: American Doll, Barbies, Little Lego's
Favorite foods: Spaghetti, tacos, pizza
Favorite animals: Ducks and Unicorns (She claims to have several imaginary Unicorn friends including a magical one called twighlit.)
Favorite songs: I am a Child of God, My Country Tis of Thee, and Gethsemane
Favorite Holidays: Birthday, Valentines, Christmas, and Easter
Favorite snacks: Ice cream, brownies, chocolate
Favorite cartoons: Frozen, and Peg plus Cat
Favorite books: Chapter books (currently she's into Junie B. Jones, and the American Girls series)
When she grows up: She wants to be a Mom and a Teacher
Favorite things about school: Everything - lunch, recess, learning, math
Nicknames: Sweet Pea, Sweet's, Little Lady
Favorite thing about her birthday: Presents

Kendal is a sweet joy in our lives we are truly lucky and blessed to have her. We love you Kendal Ann!

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