Monday, June 20, 2016

A camping we will go.

We got to have another great family trip this past weekend. We went camping with the Darrington's up Heglar Canyon. We went up Friday after lunch. We scored the same spot as last year and Casey's uncle let us use his camper (bathroom : ). Grandma made binoculars with the kids. The kids rode bikes down the hill, chased each other, and played all over camp. We ended the night with smores.

 Saturday we had a leisurely morning at camp. The kids made maracas. We headed over to sublet reservoir for some fishing and lunch. We had intentions to go out on the water, but the winds were bad so we didn't get wet or head out on the water. When we headed back the we played games (washers, baseball, catan, card games). The kids nature pictures, played games, and I did paintings on their arms (ex. dinosaurs, Yoda, butterfly, train, etc.)

 Sunday morning we cleaned up camp. The kids gifted their Dad's and Grandpa Father's day gifts then sang a few primary songs before we headed out. We stopped for lunch at Kenny and Cheryl's. We ended up spending a portion of the afternoon at their house. When we got home we unpacked made a father's day dinner and cake for Casey!

Earlier last week -
We took it easy for a few days. Just recouping from our Disney vacation. The kids slept in everyday and we just made our days easy. Casey had open gym a few nights during the week. Thursday we went out to pick cherry's and fish. We fished for a bit with no luck, and made our way out to cherry pick only to find it closed. So it was a nice excursion out even if it didn't have awesome results.

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