Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year

Last Wednesday Kendal got to join Casey at Basketball practice while Peter went to story time at the Library with me. Kendal loved being among the girls and Daddy even had her stand in place for a few positions because he was missing players. Wednesday night we went to Burley to spend time with Aria, Rhett and their girls. We had some delicious Costa Vida style homemade burritos. The kids had fun watching a kids movie in one room while the adults watched The Martian in the other.
New Years Eve was relaxed and at home. The kids played with their Lego's (which they do pretty much every day now). That afternoon I made crowns and glow jars with the kids. (success on how cool they looked, fail on how bad the inside of glow sticks stink.) We played family games including a new Disney Eye spy Peter got for Christmas. The kids got to stay up a little bit. After they went to bed Casey and I chilled out in front of the tube. I started getting the chills and was tired so I clocked out just after 10. Casey watched some Dr. Who and ended up ringing in the New Year alone. (Sorry hon I'll make it up sometime.)

New Years Day was worse for me so Casey played with the kids, took them to Arctic Circle for lunch and took Kendal to his practice that afternoon.
Saturday Casey and his brothers took the kids ice fishing at Dirkies lake. We bundled up the kids and they had fun. Sledding / playing around. Kendal even caught a fish! Casey and his brother's caught the rest of the fish while the kids played.

Sunday brought a new church time and a lot of questions from Kendal because she thought a new time meant we were joining the ward that usually met at nine. I was still under but bucked up and went to church so I could teach my new class. Peter happily took Kendal's hand and went to Sunbeams all on his own. His new teacher is Sister Arrington, but he calls her Darrington because they sound the same to him. Casey ended up last minute subbing and shifting around classes for his absent teachers. After church we relaxed and had an easy day.
School was back in on Monday. Luckily no one caught my sick so it's been good. Casey had a game in Jerome last night where they won. (Varsity is 13-0, JV is similar with one or two losses and Casey's team has two less games so I think it's 10-1 so far.)
This post has been delayed because I'm still on the mend from my mega flu / cold evil and I've been fighting off migraines and headaches. So while the beginning of the New Year hasn't started off on a high note in my books hopefully it's just up from here. No major resolutions for me. . . maybe a few hopes. . . mainly just to have a good year and good memories with my family.

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