Saturday, November 28, 2015


Casey's team had three games last week. Two at home and one away on Saturday. The girls won all three games making them undefeated so far! They've got more drive than last years team, and seem to have more general basketball skills. The kids enjoy going to the games and seeing Daddy. Peter does get weary towards the end, but mostly because snacks are gone, he's sick of his "boundary limits",  and dinner time is approaching. Kendal begs to stay longer and cheers / screams her support to the players throughout the game. Brett brought David and Becca to the game Friday so the kids had a blast going around on the bleachers.
Kendal had a Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday. Her class got to make Indian costumes and got together with the other two classes to do a couple of poems for the parents and to have a feast (aka, pie, veggies, crackers and cheese). I didn't go because I didn't want to spread my cold around and I knew Peter wouldn't appreciate watching 75 kids eat when he couldn't.

We set out in a blustery storm for Raft River Wednesday afternoon. The kids got to play and run wild around Grandma and Grandpa's. The adults played games both Wednesday and Thursday night. Thursday we had a relaxing morning. The kids convinced Cody to go out and "build a snowman" outside. The snow was to crusty to build anything, but they had fun romping around, playing, and discovering the sand toys are just as much fun in the winter as summer. We ate a delicious Thanksgiving meal that everyone had a hand in helping with. The kids helped me make little name place turkeys to put on the table and they got their own little table to feast at. Casey was awesome and busted out most of the dishes. We had some down time. The kids played all around. Brett put together some games for the kids to keep them occupied for a bit. We ate desert later in the afternoon and had a casual dinner. We all accomplished our holiday shopping online and were happy to snag our deals from the comfort of the couch.

 Above (Peter lost his boot in the snow, thus ending his snow box fun.)

Friday morning we spent a relaxing morning at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We said goodbye to Brett, Vanessa and their trio, and Uncle Cody all headed to Utah. We headed out in the afternoon since Peter was in great need of a nap and wouldn't take one at Grandma's. Everyone napped on the way home. We spent the late afternoon decorating our Christmas tree. We let the kids put on the ornaments so the back is completely bare while the front has some interesting groupings. The kids also know exactly which ornaments make music : /. Peter found the stockings, put them on his feet and asked what they were for. We couldn't stop laughing so I snapped a couple pictures.
We're spending our Saturday relaxing at home and enjoying time with Daddy. The kids want us to read every Christmas book, and have the tree lit all day.

(Pictures from last week) Proof while they can fight like any other sibling their mostly pretty great together. 
Below: Dance time with Elsa and Rapunzel, 
and these two playing away, forgetting sister should've been in time out for being mean to brother.

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