Sunday, April 19, 2015

Preschool and a Play kitchen

This past week was our turn to have preschool. On Monday we talked about birds. The kids started out with free time play with cars and puzzles. We then did a couple of worksheets with birds to learn colors and practice writing skills. For snack the kids helped me make rice krispe nests and eggs. After snack time we read books and had a small group discussion about birds, their features, how birds come from eggs, where they live, and how to make a birds nest. We ended with the kids making paper feathers.
On Wednesday I put the water beads out to play with first. The kids all loved squishing, sorting, and playing with them. We made bird feeders for the kids to take home. (It ended up being a pinterest fail, but they still can be eaten; Kendal and Peter have loved watching the birds come onto our deck this week and eat the bird seed.) Our focus of the day was the letter Z. So the kids made Zebra masks next. We had cuties for snack and then had story time. I read ABC books and we had a discussion about what else starts with Z. The kids had some work book time and then we went outside. I drew a chalk obstacle course that the kids could zig zag, zoom, and zap through.

Tuesday we had a big snow storm blow through so we spent a couple of days inside. Kendal finished her second reading chart and earned some ice cream. She is beyond excited to start Kindergarten! (We register for Kindergarten at the end of the month!) She wants August to be here faster and asks frequently how far away it is.
We rode bikes again to the park this week. Kendal can still be a bit timid when it comes to bike riding and she looses confidence easily and so it takes some positive encouragement to motivate her some days and other days she proudly goes in circles in front of our house for 10-15 min. without stopping. Peter is loving spring and having more outside time. He asks to ride his bike everyday and likes to dig in the dirt in the back yard.
Friday the kids and I joined Vanessa and her kids and headed out to Raft River to finish up a "kids kitchen" project they started over Easter weekend. Mom and Dad D had an old TV cabinet sitting down stairs that we decided to turn into a kids kitchen. Last time they got together they took it apart and cut wood and pieced together parts for the kitchen. This weekend we sanded, primed, painted, and assembled the kitchen. It was a lot of work and took Friday afternoon / evening and most of Saturday to finish and it looks awesome. The kids are going to love it!

The kids enjoyed getting spoiled with cartoons, treats, lots of outside time on Grandma and Grandpa's new play set / sand box, and unlimited cousin time while we visited. Grandma was our hero taking care of eight grandkids so Vanessa, Nicole, and I could bust out a sweet kitchen.

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