Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring break part 2

To end our spring break week we headed out to Raft River on Friday. Casey's parents got a new play set. It had SO MANY parts and A LOT of instructions but with Casey's genius and our hard work we put together a pretty awesome play set for the grandkids to have some epic adventures on. After a while of having the kids "help" us we sent them with Grandma to go ride the tractor with Grandpa. Peter was nervous to go but liked it when he was riding. Apparently he was very concerned Grandpa would hit our car with the tractor because he kept telling his Grandpa to not bonk his car. When the kids got back Grandma was nice enough to distract them inside with a movie till Casey and I were closer to being done. The kids love the new play set but did get kid kicked off for a bit for fighting over the "cool" swing. Pete acted like a pirate saying "Arrrr" a lot and turning the boat wheel in the play house. Kendal liked it was and was proud she could climb the rock wall without help.
After dinner we made a fire to burn part of the massive crate the play set came in, the card board everything was wrapped in, and we roasted some mallows. The kids spent some time on the play set Saturday morning before it became too windy / cold to enjoy themselves. We headed into Paul for a our niece Ashley's first birthday party. Jordan's Dad brought over a fire engine for the kids to explore and see. Kendal and Pete got to spray the hose and loved climbing around it. They had fun playing with cousin's from both families.

On our way home Kendal had her first of two meltdowns over the fact that she would miss her grandparents, she loves her grandparents so much, and the didn't know when we would see her grandparents again. She's got such a big heart, and wears her emotions on her sleeve. They just become more dramatic when she's in need of more sleep which is definitely the case this past week.

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