Monday, October 6, 2014


We decided to go to Raft River for conference weekend. Since it's harvest season we decided to count tractors on our way to Raft River. (Our tactic to occupy Kendal ; ) Casey counted 105 tractors on our way (he was counting broken down tractors along with tractors out in the fields.) Kendal gave up around thirty something but was amused with Daddy and Mommy trying win who could spot the most. We went Friday night so Casey could watch the USU vs BYU game at his parents instead of listening on the radio. The Aggies pulled out an unexpected win! Casey's dad wasn't too thrilled with the win, but Casey and Cody enjoyed watching the game. (Casey's family are BYU fans; Casey still is, but USU trumps BYU.)
Saturday morning before conference Casey took the kids to ride on a tractor with Grandpa. We figured Peter would be over the moon to ride in a tractor because he's very into tractors lately. We were proven wrong when Casey got there and Peter was scared of Grandpa's tractor. He wouldn't ride with Grandpa but Kendal did and enjoyed herself. Peter and Kendal did ride with Casey on his parents ridding lawn mower without fuss though.

Saturday we listened to conference while the kids played around us. I look forward to conference and was happy to listen to the apostles and prophets words that were shared over the weekend. While I felt like I gained from conference I am excited to go back when conference is published and re-read and glean more from what was said. Our apostles are such wise men, I know all that they are saying is inspired and meant to touch our hearts and help us better our lives.
The boys cleaned the front porch on Saturday while the kids played around the house. I killed countless flies during our stay (I'm getting quite efficient at it which is sad when you think about it but a talent nonetheless.)
On Sunday we had a full house Nicole and her kids joined us, and Brett, Vanessa, and their kids joined us to watch / partially listen to conference. It's always nice to have a house full of family to spend time together. After both conferences were done we let the kids loose outside. We picked pumpkins and picked over the remains of the garden so we could take home some great vegetables.
The grumpy look from Peter below is because he was out of sorts all weekend and didn't get enough sleep. 

 I'm grateful for the spiritual upliftment I received and the family time we shared this weekend! This weekend I truly feasted on some wise words during conference and some yummy home cooking from the family : )

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