Sunday, August 24, 2014

Little things

 We went to Dirkies lake on Monday for FHE. We hit mid afternoon so the beach wasn't to busy and the sun was in and out of the clouds making for a nice time. We worked on swim skills with Kendal and she impressed us. She and is improving a lot and is floating on her own for longer periods of time. Peter freaks out when we try floating so we just watched Kendal with Casey and played in the shallow parts. We made sand castles and dug big holes on the shore. We went for a walk around the boardwalk and spotted dozens of fish swimming around. We went to Shoshone falls on our way out. I expected a decent amount of water with all of the rain fall we've had this month but the falls were really low. On our way out Kendal grabbed a stranger and pulled her to the edge to see the cliff full of pennies and point out the island in the water. (Kendal surprises us sometimes with how open she is with people in general.)

I gave haircuts this week. Casey needed one before school started, and Peter's was long. Kendal wanted me to cut her hair so she could be like Dad and Peter. I gave in but only cut an inch or so off to appease her and not loose a lot of lovely locks like last fall.
Kendal and Peter got imaginative this week with the diaper boxes. At different times during the week they were boats, trains, and airplanes. It's nice to see them play together cohesively. It doesn't happen often around here because sharing toys and not trying to control our siblings is near impossible.
 For the third week in a row we've had a wave of storms hit the area. The cool down has been a nice welcome for it being August.Casey returned to work this past week. Peter had a hard time for the first couple of days understanding that Daddy was gone for longer than a few hours.
 We finally decided to give up on our garden this week. Peter went out and plucked our growing peppers this week. The other tiny shrivel of a thing in my hand is supposed to be a carrot and our tomato plants have been starved, wind beaten, and drenched this summer so they are looking pitiful with no hope of producing anything.

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