Sunday, August 17, 2014

Just Peachy

 Since our vacations have ended for the summer we've gotten back into our routine these past couple of weeks. We make homemade popsicle's, have library time, go to the park, and enjoy our leisurely days at home.  We've had a lot of rain the past couple of weeks also. We had a nice 6 inch pond going on in front of our driveway last week and again this week for a bit. We've enjoyed the rain and the cool it's brought the area. (Our plants are probably drowning since we've practically starved them all summer.)

On Tuesday of this past week Casey went on an overnight fishing trip with Brett to Hailey. Thankfully they avoided the major rain storms and got to fish.  Casey wasn't lucky enough to catch any fish and Brett only caught two; they also popped a tire during their trip on the rocky roads in the mountains.

 While Casey was gone the kids and I had a movie night together Tuesday night. We popped some popcorn and enjoyed the movie Toy Story. Wednesday's are my laundry days and unfortunately our laundry is downstairs in the garage. The kids usually do well when I leave for a couple of minutes to change loads and I do my best to make sure their occupied during those few minutes.  Well I went out to change a load and as I'm exiting the garage I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Kendal had rushed to put her and her brothers shoes on to come out. I ushered them back up the stairs because the basket I was carrying needed to be folded and we were heading out soon to go to the library. I reach the door only to find it locked. It's usual for us to lock the door upon leaving the house so Kendal made no second thought about it; however I did not have my key and my husband was three hours away out of cell phone range. I ended up having to bug my neighbor for our landlords phone number and wait around with the kids to be saved. (luckily we were only locked out less than an hour.)
On Thursday I took the kids to the dollar movies. We watched puss n boots. Kendal loves the movie but always wants to know what's happening next or has to cling to you at "scary parts". Peter does well enough for a two year old. With a baggy of goldfish in his lap he lasted for a good part of the movie until his seat started to swallow him and his fish were gone, then he was climbing around and on and off my lap the rest of the show. 
On Friday we went and picked peaches at a local orchard. The kids loved stuffing their faces with peaches. Peter had a peach in each hand and devoured about four while we were picking. Kendal would take bites loose her peach or get distracted and find more to take bites out of. We intended on getting apples too, but the ones we want won't be on for a few weeks so we'll return then. We took our bounty home and decided to freeze, can, and jam our peaches. After the kids went to bed Friday Casey and I had a date night of making freezer jam and freezer peaches. On Saturday I canned the remaining peaches. I'm super grateful for the wisdom and skills that have been taught to me about freezing, and canning. I'm looking forward to these delicious peaches in the winter months!

Peter is starting to scale my cupboards to get up to things. The other day we were in one room with Kendal then we hear the water running in the kitchen. The below picture is what we walked in to find. (Love this mischievous little bug : )

Casey starts teacher training this next week, football starts on the twenty fifth and school begins on the second of September. This summer has flown by and we spent a month of it away from home (no joke I counted the days). We're hoping to squeeze in another trip to dirkies and maybe a date night before school starts. Sad to see our summer holiday wrapping up but that's how it goes.

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